sin definitions

  1. SkyWriting

    Sin is a matter of ones personal conscience.

    Sin is a matter of ones personal conscience. Yes it is startling. But I come from a period where I have taken scripture literally, as a good fundamentalist should. It was Henry Morris from the Creation Research Institute who taught his followers to aceept the simplest reading of any passage...
  2. Ron Gurley

    What are "SIN"... SIN(S)...SIN NATURE ??

    OP: What are "SIN"... SIN(S)...SIN NATURE ??...Discuss + Debate !! MY DEFINITIONS: 1. SIN = "falling short" = ANYTHING contrary to the perfect CHARACTER and ATTRIBUTES of the TRI-UNE GOD...ALL fall short! This is the spiritual gap between God's perfect good and Man's imperfections. 2. SIN(S)...