
  1. Lulav

    TODAY The DAY of the Bride! World Wide Call Jews and Christians

    This is an unprecedented event. Starting tonight and into tomorrow It is a preparation of the Bride of G-d/Messiah. Are you part of the Bride? Do you want to be? Have you prepared yourself? Shavuot – aka Pentecost is this Sunday. It is a Jewish Holiday ( Holy Day) and was first inaugurated...
  2. Lulav

    B'midbar -- Shavuot-- Pentecost

    'In the wilderness' this weeks parsha. Tomorrow is Shavu'ot, the fifty days from Passover (first fruits) The wilderness was the place where the Torah was given. Why was the Torah given here and not in the land of Israel? The Torah was given on Shavu'ot, they gathered at the base of the...