saint therese of lisieux

  1. J

    !Catholics Only! Believing in God's Mercy

    I just thought I'd do a quick update on how I'm managing my scrupulosity, and such. Yesterday, we had a reconciliation service at my current parish, and while I did have my sins written down, this time I decided instead of reading them off my list, I would simply tell them to the priest...
  2. J

    Prayers for the Grace to S. M. I. L. E.

    I have been hearing a lot about Saint Therese of Lisieux and her Little Way, lately. Actually, I've been doing Fr. Michael E. Gaitley's 33 Days Consecration to Merciful Love, and I just started week two, in which he starts talking about St. Therese of Lisieux. Last month, I stumbled across these...