quantum mechanics

  1. Wigner's friend, the immaterial soul and the death of materialism

    What I am presenting here is just philosophy not math. It isn’t hard but it is based on quantum mechanics but no math below. Christians, however, have missed one of the most amazing arguments for our world view by ignoring this area. I had toyed with this idea for years but it wasn’t until a...
  2. Achilles caught up with the Turtle, which revealed the masses of all neutrino

    Zero distance (or zero time interval) is not a distance at all, but a contact. Therefore, there is the minimum possible distance. Does Achilles catch up with the Turtle in Zeno's paradox? Yes, if there is a minimum non-zero distance: then the sum of the lengths (as long as Achilles catches up...
  3. Unpublished Gauges interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

    Nature is defined as what the Gauges (Standard Instruments) measure, and Gauges is what Nature measures. When Einstein was asked "what is Time?", He replied "this is what the clock shows." But the definition of Nature "all that we see" is wrong, because we can see a devil (and a sin), who is not...
  4. Is Quantum Physics even Physical?

    1. Christian has written [1], that Metrology Standard Instruments (like thermometer, meter, clock, ampermeter, etc), are the invariants. They are not allowed to change in time and place, and scale. 2. The laws of macro-world and the laws of micro-world are different [2, 3]. 3. Let us reduce the...
  5. Gaps in physical picture will never be filled

    God of the Gaps is eternal, because He is needed to fill the Gaps, and the Gaps are proven to exists forever: Gaps in physical picture will never be filled (Ходящий По Лжи) / Проза.ру
  6. Matter conservation Vs. Quantum Physics

    The laws of conservation (such as energy, momentum, rotational momentum, baryon and lepton numbers) are known from classical Physics. One can be sure, that its validity guarantees our everyday experience. The Quantum Physics is totally different from Classical one. Can we be sure then, that...
  7. L

    Could God both exist and not exist?

    We have man-made models, equations and theories which postulate the idea that a thing can both exist and not exist. For example, the classic case is one where an "atom or photon can exist as a combination of multiple states corresponding to different possible outcomes". The Copenhagen...
  8. S

    On Einstein's Peace with Quantum Mechanics

    Einstein's ideal picture of the World was born out of seed called: "God of Spinoza." But the disturbing factor in the face of Quantum Mechanics spoils the Einstein's ideal picture. Shall we take another philosophical driving seed, and plant it into the brain? Watch the video about the great...