
  1. C

    Prayer for deliverance

    Good day, I'm asking prayer for the Lord to destroy and remove any spirit of lust and slander is coming against Dwayne St George. Thank you for all your prayer.
  2. HenSoma-OneBody

    We Must Seek True Spiritual Growth

    Spiritual growth, and not the practice of simply filling our heads with knowledge, is essential for every true follower of Christ. There are many who spend all of their time trying to figure out what this or that scripture means, or are driven to understand the scriptures from an historical...
  3. HenSoma-OneBody

    So Then, This Is How You Should Pray

    Most have prayed or at least heard what is commonly referred to as the “Lord’s Prayer”: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our...
  4. insurchoftruth

    Everything God Has for Us is In Our Disposal-Luke 15:31 ,32

    Everything God Has for Us is In Our Disposal-Luke 15:31 ,32 By the grace of God, we have everything in our disposal, which God has for us as a blessing, either spiritual, or material. The Bible says that we are blessed with every spiritual blessing from our God and Father, in the heavenly...
  5. AKWarrior

    How I Pray

    During those times at church when we are told to close our eyes, bow our heads, etc. during prayer time, I find it easier to keep my eyes open. Don't get me wrong; I still pray. I find it more comfortable to look down at the floor or up at the ceiling or stare off into space during prayer...