
  1. Waking up with anxiety

    I tend to wake up in the morning, have a few seconds of peace, and then BAM, I start worrying and ruminating about something. It's enough to make me nauseous and I don't want to get out of bed and go to work--in fact, I had to stop writing this post and run to the bathroom because I nearly threw...
  2. Fear of committing the unpardonable sin

    Hey guys, I'm back with the same issue. I'm still stressed about a job offer I received because I feel like I didn't earn it honestly. Basically, onw of the interview questions was where they asked me about a time where I had to get creative at work and how it helped my coworkers. My answer was...
  3. Health-phobic+self-righteous spouse

    I have a spouse that has relation-destroying levels of irrational health-related fears that have increasingly I've noticed been getting worse the past week. I'm trying to push him to get therapy right now...but God help me, I can barely tell anything improves. Fussy about what he eats, what...
  4. N

    Online OCD Research for US residents

    Do you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? Do you reside in the USA? The Department of Psychology at New York University is looking for paid participants in an online psychology study that aims to better understand psychiatric disorders, in particular OCD. Unlike most studies, it...