
  1. Q

    Is it hard to find Christian close friends?

    I go to church on a regular basis and I stay after the service to socialize but I find it hard to connect with many of my church members. They are my friends but I don’t have a real close bond with none of them because we don’t have too much in common. Is this issue common?
  2. Q

    (Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers) what does this verse really mean ?

    I know this verse doesn’t mean we shouldn’t associate with unbelievers but does this verse mean we shouldn’t be friends with unbelievers or close friends with unbelievers or we shouldn’t have business with them ?
  3. Q

    Should I leave a Church because the social life there is horrible ?

    I’ve been attending the same church for about 8 years and these last few years the social life of the church been getting worst and worst. Im a young man in a single group that is mostly male we got 11 members and 8 are men and 4 are female and only 1 out of the 4 is under 40 and single. The...
  4. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian to have a few close friends who aren’t Christians ?

    Is it wrong for a Christian to have a few close friends who are good friends but aren’t Christian and don’t lead the Christian believer into sin ?
  5. Greetings

    So,... I joined the forum 6 months ago but this is my first post. I have been a member of many forums over the years and then the phenomena of Facebook happened and like many others I dropped out of the forum world. I finally quit facebook a month ago and am feeling a big void. No likes, no...
  6. F


    Hi there! I'm a new Christian and decided to join the forums to look for fellowship. I love my friends, but they are not Christians (well, most of them). I also love my church family, they are so warm, compassionate and kind, and you can really see God in their lives. However, it is a small...