false christianity

  1. HenSoma-OneBody

    Do You Go To Church?

    A common term used in today’s Christian Religion (local church system) is to “go to church.” However, when put in proper perspective this term makes about as much sense as asking someone how much does the color blue weigh? The Church, Body of Christ, is not a place to go to, it is a spiritual...
  2. HenSoma-OneBody

    Beware Of False Prophets

    Today's manmade church system has drifted far from how Jesus taught us to live. Mankind cannot serve two masters and will choose to serve the kingdom of heaven or to continue to serve the kingdom of this world ruled by Satan. Those who reject the truth of the gospel will perish in the end...
  3. HenSoma-OneBody

    Do Not Be Selfish, But Instead, Love Others In Spite Of What They Say And Do

    "This is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another. Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he slay him? Because his own deeds were evil, while those of his brother were righteous. So do not be surprised, brothers...
  4. UnprofitableServant

    Requirements in becoming a Christian?

    Greetings, Are there any requirements in order to be considered a Christian in God's eyes. If so, what are those requirements; and does it mean if we haven't done those things, then we are not a Christian until we do so?
  5. T

    Forensic Prophecy !

    Dear All, Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.I would like your views on "Forensic Prophecy" which is rapidly spreading in Churches(Asia,Middle East & African nations) 1.Is this type of prophecy biblical ? 2.If not,what scriptures would you use to counteract an...
  6. T


    Prove it straight from the pages of your own Bible! Is it possible that we have blindly accepted false religious ideas that we take for granted? Is it enough to just be a "sincere" practicing Christian? What are Satan's methods of deception? How has he deceived the whole world? Booklet...