evening prayer

  1. Catechizing at Evensong

    So recently it came to my attention that according to the 1662 and other editions of the BCP, a catechtical session is in theory supposed to follow the Nunc Dimitis, but in practice this is rarely if ever done, and I have never heard it. That said, a part of me is intrigued by the idea of...
  2. Liturgical Beauty in Practice

    I want to have an open ended discussion with members of Traditional Theology who have a strong connection to, or are priests, deacons or readers/lectors/psaltis in, liturgical or semi-liturgical churches, like my friends @MarkRohfrietsch , @hedrick , @Pavel Mosko, @dzheremi, @GreekOrthodox...
  3. B

    Anointing During Daily Office

    I want to start praying the daily office as found in the 1979 USA BCP, and I want to use my anointing oil to anoint myself every day. Is there an appropriate place during the Rite II morning and evening prayers to do so? Maybe there is a good prayer to use during the free intercession ( maybe A...