
  1. Simon/Rock

    Truce Even For A Short While?

    Truce Even For A Short While? When was the last time, that both parties got together and helped our country, putting aside both of their differences? Wasn't it the Democrats Politicians who always said that the Republicans don't work with them on things? Trump and thee Republicans have gotten...
  2. Simon/Rock


    I constantly have heard Democrat Politicians, tell We the American people, that President Donald Trump is a threat to the National Security of America. Well, if that is the case, then why aren't they rushing impeachment? Why are they taking their time, at times, and other times, even holding...
  3. Greg Merrill

    Col 2:6-8

    Calvinists have their doctrines I don't agree with. Armenians have doctrine I don't agree with. Charismatics have doctrines I don't agree with. Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc., etc., have doctrines I don't agree with. There are things that some Baptists will say, some...