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  1. D

    Should women be allowed to preach?

    1 Corinthians 14:34 says "Let women be silent in the assemblies, for it is not permitted for them to speak; but to be in subjection, as the law also says." ...followed by vs 35 "But if they wish to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is a shame for a woman to speak in...
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    Are you Single or Marriend?

    i'm married too. [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]
  3. D

    What attracts men???

    Girls prefer kissing to the hard stuff. [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]
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    my Love is Up and Down.

    Guys want what they can't have. When u're so available, u lose an edge. [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]
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    Should a girl ask a guy to "hang out"?

    i would have liked it if girls asked me out when i was still single ..... come to think of it, it would be flattering if they still asked me out :-) [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]
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    how many men can claim that they have never looked at a woman lustfully? that means all men r guilty of this sin. [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]
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    Get to know each other!!!

    hi, i'm from penang. any malaysians or singaporeans here? [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]
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    A B C's of girls names (3)

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    hi from Malaysia - Sexual Fantasies problem

    HI, I'm new here. I have a problem with Sexual Fantasies. A new chat friend suggested I join up here for help. I keep chatting on Yahoo and making friends in different forums to chat about sex. I've been a Christian for tons of years and I know what I should do to stop, but I haven't been...
  10. D

    Hi from Malaysia

    Hi, I'm a Christian from Malaysia. I have a problem with sexual fantasies. A chat friend suggested I enrol here to try to get help. [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]