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    darwin recanted on his deathbed

    Actually, the apostle Paul recanted on his death-bed. Since you cannot prove that he didn't, he must have done so.
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    EVOLUTION disproves DARWIN!

    Can't you see it?
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    the collapse of evolution

    Looks like a drawing to me. See? Evilutionists cannot produce a REAL fossile -because they don't exist! ;)
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    Why aren't there bigger animals?

    We have had mammals that were almost as big as large sauropods. Try here:
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    Creationist school exam

    Terrrible. Imagine questions like "Why is Creationism not science" in a biology test. This test is not about Creationisms but about a strawman version of the Theory of Evolution.
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    Lucy: More Fraud

    His line of reasoning seems to be: even if the skull is not what he claims it to be, it still proves that evolutionists are frauds and fake evidence. Or something like that.
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    Lucy: More Fraud

    Still waiting for an explanation why a photo of a plastic gorilla skull is evidenve for "Lucy is a hoax".
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    Dawiyd's Skull Challenge

    John did here: Read and weep. He's still in denial.
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    Lucy: More Fraud

    To refresh your memory: You claimed "This is a rare photos of a "australopithecus afarensis". Why is it to rare? Because the teeth have not been modified to try and make it more human looking.". It's not a photo of an australopithecus afarensis. It's just a photo of a plastic skull which has...
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    Lucy: More Fraud

    John, please let me ask again: Why are you posting a picture of a plastic skull found in someone's online photo album and claim that this is evidence that for a fraud?
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    Lucy: More Fraud

    That's a plastic skull with a bad paint job. You can actually see the casting seams at the teeth and the joint where the two halves are glued together. What's the thing in the nose cavity? A bone plug?? Who's the fraud John? Who are you trying to kid with this prop?
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    Evolution and Immorality?

    That would actually be an improvement. Unfortunately, us humans act far worse than the rest of our fellow animals.
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    Medical marijuana refugee arrested upon return to US

    So if pot had been legal and cheap (like, say, alcohol and cigarettes both of which are highly addictive, very unhealthy but perfectly legal) all this hadn't happened.
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    Your credentials

    My Dad's an engineer as well. Among other stuff, he developed the winch for the Bell UH-1 D. He did not really think much of it until a while back a friend of mine told him that he once was saved by that winch. I have a degree in business administration and therefore does not really contribute...
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    Biblical evidence for death before the fall

    So, when YECs argue that there was no death before the fall, they only mean the death of creatures that have blood? Good to know, maybe a disclaimer would be useful to avoid confusion.
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    Biblical evidence for death before the fall

    So, "death" in the bible doesn't mean "death" as in "something that lives stops living"? Where does the Bibel define life and death? And btw. I was arguing about YECs who claim there wass no death before the fall. So is a YEC's definition of death different from the rest of the world?
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    Biblical evidence for death before the fall

    So, what's your argument then?