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  1. M

    Those loving terrorists

    Soloman, Reading through this whole thread will just throw me out in a rant, but before condemning their "holy book" as promoting "laying in wait for the infidels," maybe you should find the original source of that info... It is OUR Bible, and JESUS Himself who says this!! Sorry, but it...
  2. M

    Stuff about President Lincoln I did not know....

    I will post the same link to it that you did, if I use it. Thanks. :D (I actually am amused that it comes from Pat Robertson...all the more merry, I supposed! :p)
  3. M

    Stuff about President Lincoln I did not know....

    Michael, I liked that article, actually. I think it also shows that although Lincoln fought in a lot of wars....the wars weren't led by God! ;) (a side argument I have been having on the LBMB, about wars being of God). I may have to borrow this if you don't mind. :D