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  1. Y

    My Message Board

    Hey Everyone, I've had this board for awhile, but it just seems to go dead very easily, I have over 20 members but alot of them don't post very much. I'd love to have some *alot lol* of people come and join, and actually post there and liven things up for me! The address is...
  2. Y


    Okay.. Has anyone seen the Bourne Supremacy yet? Is it even out in theaters? Lol.. I haven't seen the first Bourne movie yet, and I want to, if anyone has seen the first one, how did you like it? I'm 16, and I'm a christian, and I'm really careful at what I watch, and how much I see and such...
  3. Y

    Hey Everyone!

    Hey Everyone, I am Jen, 16/f/NC. How's everyone doing? I'm a christian and I love chatting and making new friends so I hope to make tons here! my info is in my profile, IM me or email me sometime. See ya later! -Jen-