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  1. L

    found inappropriate content on internet...NEED HOPE

    Lisa, I must agree with Zyon. It is VERY hard to get rid of this problem. First of all because as Zyon some of us were exposed to hardcore material at a very young age and it becomes a habit, just like the need to sleep or eat. It is a true addiction and please people don't treat this...
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    Keeping the Faith

    Oh I forgot, What kind of music ya like? Maybe we can all help you recommending Chrsitian material. Right out of the bat I can tell you that Rebecca St. James is a great rock/pop singer. Very cool, well produced albums and she's a very spiritual person with very spiritual songs. 028
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    Keeping the Faith

    Hi GirlReborn, Hehehe, I laugh because I know how hard it seems to leave the worldly things behind. I had a collection of over 200 CD's and music was MY life. Now music is part of my life as MY life is Jesus :D  Listen, if you feel in your heart you must get rid of something DO IT! It...
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    going to church is it important?

    Hi soldier_of_God, Although the Lord lives inside us and He is everywhere, it is vey important you attend church. Not for the sake of going to a church, but to have fellowship with other brothers in Christ, brothers that may help you in your spiritual path. (Hebrews 10:25) "Let us not give...
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    Should I change churches?

    LOL, [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] man, are you me? HAHAHA. Listen up, I am the drummer of my church. I got saved because I started dating my current wife (when we were both in the world) but she was forced to go to church cus she was living with her uncle who was the Pastor at the time. So that's how God hooked me...
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    How do you find your destiny?

    Hi baggadonuts, The first thing I could say is this: (Jeremiah 17:9) The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Sometimes we have mixed fellings because that's the heart of men. So IMHO I would try to listen to God rather than listening to your heart...
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    A few thoughts on pride and arrogance

    So true, A pastor friend of mine used to say, "God likes to pop ballons", you know? like when a helium baloon is going up, up, up, well, God likes to pop them when they are getting way too high in their arrogance and pride. I have personally seen many arrogant people literally having to...
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    True Christianity

    Man how true, See a lot of people believe that obedience is a: A) Sacrifice B) Something you must do to please God C) Something you must do to be accepted by God D) Something you must do to receive blessings and I personally think (and is my conviction) that obedience comes as a result...
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    What Version Of The Bible Do You Prefer?

    In english I like to read King James because I've read that almost all others change things here and there. Now, I gotta say that the NIV is pretty modern english so its easy for me to get. The truth of the matter is that I always go back to my mother tongue spanish and there's nothing better...
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    What do you envision when you pray?

    Sometimes when we're praising God, (I'm the drummer in my church) I filter out the people and I imagine I am playing for God in heaven. Sometimes I picture Jesus much like a spirit, like a man with a white robe and no face but bright white light instead. Now I know some people may think that...
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    Do you think a Christian can get away with a sin in their life?

    Hi everyone, Amy, have you think about telling this people what you see? Maybe they cannot see it and God is letting you see a problem and if I were those people, I would immensly appretiate you telling me. Now, in the bottom of their hearts they may know about their sin, but we humans...
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    Is evolution unfairly judged?

    Ok you're right, when you say that the original question is "Is evolution unfairly judged?" I don't think is unfairly judged, gee I thought it was the only way until I got another perspective that is excedingly much logical to me than evolutionism. Have a good one, gotta split... 028
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    Memorizing Scripture

    Wow Sean, That's a really cool program. Really, thanks a LOT! Very professional installation and the program runs like a charm. You created it in VB? I especially like the fact that it comes blank, because I can then put verses in english or spanish. Maybe version 2.0 can have different...
  14. L

    Question about the Lord's Supper

    This is the way I see it (and also why i didn't vote) I believe Christ commanded us to do the communion (common union between us a Christ) or eucharist, however you want to call it. I do it first of all cus Jesus commanded it. I also believe that if I clumsily drop that piece of bred, I am...
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    Question for rapturists re: 1Thess. 5

    Last time I checked we were ALL sinners. So in essence sinners are the ones who get to go to heaven. Let's not kid ourselves here, we sin. And sin. And sin. Now this is NOT justification for sin as many deviated doctrines teach, but the fact remains that we sin. The ones who DON'T get to go to...
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    Memorizing Scripture

    Well, I struggle with this too, although I have to confess I have never really got down to memorize scripture. I am very good at knowing what the bible says but I always paraphrase it and have a general idea of which books contain waht i am saying. I was always like this, that's why I was...
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    How are you towards the WASP scenario???

    I don't know but we almost had a Jewish Vice-President! :D I also fail to see the point of this thread. I think that politics or success in politics should be kept away from this great forum. Now, If you want to be President Hector, now THAT'S TROUBLE! :D 028
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    What is Gods will?

    I believe the will of God is: (Matthew 22:34) "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.<SUP>38</SUP>This is the first and greatest commandment. <SUP>39</SUP>And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. <SUP>40</SUP>All the Law...
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    Our Angels

    Brothers and sisters, please! Be careful with this. Don't just read a verse and go the whole 9 yards with it! CONTEXT. If I understand what you guys are saying, then shall we also assume that ghosts exist just because the apostles thought Jesus was a ghost walking over the sea? Come on. Now...
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    Is the rapture in Catholocism?

    I hate labels, I don't think I am a protestant. I don't protest at all ;) but ok, people like labeling other people, I am what is commonly know as a protestant (Christian non-denom). Anyways, the rapture&nbsp;they way is mostly popular seems a bit nonsense to...