Search results

  1. K

    Old Pirate Movie - do you know it?

    I found it! It's A High Wind in Jamaica - 1965. :D
  2. K

    How much have you put aside for that wedding day?

    I haven't saved anything - my savings have all gone into my house! If I sell the house when and if I get married, I still don't want the $ going into a wedding - I'd rather get furniture or something else :) I've always thought it would be great to have an afternoon wedding in a park (with a...
  3. K

    Old Pirate Movie - do you know it?

    In the mid-70s I saw a movie on TV. It was about a group of people who were sailing from England in the last century, when their ship was overtaken by pirates. The children ended up on the ship with the pirates, and the oldest girl in particular ended up friends with one of them. In the end the...
  4. K

    Do you go to your local library?

    I go every day, but then, I'm a librarian :) Actually, I work at an academic library, and I get to the public library maybe once every week or two. I place holds on books from work, then pick them up at the public library when they've all come in :D
  5. K

    favorite fantasy reads?

    I just discovered a first novel by a great new fantasy author. It's Covenants by Lorna Freeman. It's the first in the Borderlands series. I highly recommend it!
  6. K

    Clean Versions of R or X rated Hollywood films for families!

    Very good point! I'm against the cleaned up version of movies too. I can understand parents not wanting to expose their children to elements within R rated movies, but even if you edit out a lot of it, you're still left with adult themes. I would rather just wait until the children are old...
  7. K

    Sarah Brightman

    I have most of her albums, and what I don't, my brother does so I still get to hear them. She's one of my absolute favorite singers too. I got to see her in concert this past Spring, and it was fantastic! :)
  8. K


    I saw it yesterday - fantastic movie! If you don't like nonlinear movies, then you might not like it as well, but still give it a try. Stunning visuals!
  9. K

    "Principles of an Eagle"

    When I was 20 I almost married a 19 year old 8th grade dropout. Then I read The Eagle Christian on a trip, and the chapter on your point #4 made me come to my senses!
  10. K

    What is the Worst Book You Ever Read?

    Unless this is a different book than the Separate Peace I'm thinking of... I loved that book! The worst book I ever read was a book on horse jumping for a book report in 5th grade. That month we all had to pick a book on a sport, and by the time it got to me, horse jumping was all that was...
  11. K

    Best TV theme song

    The Virginian
  12. K

    Question for the Ladies ~ A rose

    I'd always thought yellow roses were for friendship. Anyway, I wouldn't get freaked out. A sprig of daisies or some other flower would work equally well! :)
  13. K

    hello from down under

    Welcome, Robert! I'm also into computers, digital photography and dvds :)
  14. K

    What shows should they bring back?

    I agree - ARCtU needs to come back. So does Firefly!! That show wasn't given a chance.
  15. K

    Independence Day

    I enjoyed the movie when it came out, but I agree with the lameness of the solution of uploading the computer virus! As if the technology would be compatible! But I just kind of shrugged that part off and enjoyed the rest of it.
  16. K

    Worst Movie Ever!

    Cabin Boy. Very bad!
  17. K

    What are you watching..... right now?

    Fresh Prince rerun
  18. K

    What are YOU currently reading?

    The Last Juror by John Grisham. I had it on hold 4 months at the local library!
  19. K

    Books do you keep em once read or throw them away?

    I keep my books if there's something in them that I know I'll want to reread at some point in my life. Even worse than that - if I read a book from the library, and know I'll want to reread it later... I'll go out and buy it! Usually used from Amazon. I've had too many cases of going back to...
  20. K

    Hyped up, yet awful movie/s ?

    Yes, I'd agree with you there - I stopped it after about 15 minutes! Van Helsing is another one I was disappointed in.