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    The new Jesus

    The article below, called "The New Jesus, and a Love called Tolerance" by Paul Proctor is extensively published on the WWW, but I've not seen it before, but it's a good one. So here it is. Have you heard? There's a new Jesus in town...
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    Is anarchy compatible with Christisanity?

    Its a legitimate view that democracy is no-more than political anarchy by the masses. The masses own little morality, other than their own bellies. The masses pay lip service to religion, and demand their daily diet of TV, inappropriate content and media propaganda. Women demand an unrestricted right to...
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    Will all Christians go to heaven?

    It strikes me that most Christians think they will go to heaven. In the UK, 71.6% described themselves as Christian in 2001. In the US, 77% described themselves as Christian in 2001...
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    Women (cont.)

    Texas Lynn said of women being debarred from "clerical roles": Ridiculous legalism. I would never join a church that did not permit female clergy and would strongly discourage others from the same. It's just institutionalized sexism. First, I am not sure that "clergy" was ever an...