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  1. Icebrc

    Hand to hand

    Listen to George Carlin much? Sort of sounds like his prison solution lol.
  2. Icebrc

    "Where there's a creation there's a creator" -Dr.Dino

    this is the evolution debate forum :scratch:
  3. Icebrc

    A question for YECs

    I've known some dinosaur disbelievers as well, but more commonly I hear "they were wiped out in the flood."
  4. Icebrc

    What's the best evidence for evolution?

    Whatever book you got that figure out of, hopefully didn't contain the misinformation about evolution that you presented here, if so I would return it. The "moving of the goal posts" to include abiogenesis in the Theory of Evolution in an effort to disprove it only shows the inability of those...
  5. Icebrc

    How did you learn evolution?

    My understanding of Evolutionary Theory comes from 7 years of post-secondary education and independent reading. It also comes from being involved in active, independent research projects. I have my BS and MNS in Biology. I agree with the poster that commented on what little evolution is...
  6. Icebrc

    YEC's, you don't listen!

    You are the one that has the audacity of claiming that knowledge in one subject grants you authority over another. Math isn't science and while math is used by science, knowing one does not make one an expert in the other. There is no way to know something in the natural work 100% and nothing...
  7. Icebrc

    YEC's, you don't listen!

    As other have explained, proofs in math and science are different subjects. You already cleared up what discipline you have studied, so why exactly do you think this makes you qualified to dictate what is and is not science? You have shown that you do not know what you are talking about when...
  8. Icebrc

    YEC's, you don't listen!

    well said.
  9. Icebrc

    YEC's, you don't listen!

    That may be so, but what kind of education in the bible does it really take to understand the precepts behind creationism? Versus Evolution? Honestly, if you are talking science and evidence its not like knowing what the bible says is really going to amount to anything. If you are not trying...
  10. Icebrc

    YEC's, you don't listen!

    What annoys me (in general) about debating evolution/creationism is the shear ignorance of many of those that I have discussed it with (granted I have discussed it with a few very knowledgable people, but they were the exception). Worse that just being ignorant, but they were arrogant. Assuming...
  11. Icebrc

    Why haven't humans evolved?

    What makes you think we haven't evolved? What kind of timespan are you wanting to examine? Because we're different species. If things aren't selected against, then they stick around. If they have neither positive nor negative effects they may just hang around. Or they could be genetically...
  12. Icebrc

    What if evolution is left out of biology class?

    Well because textbooks are not the evidence of evolutionary theory. Look into peer reviewed journals if you want evidence. Also, I don't know what "typical" books you have read but my college texts were of no such quality. My high school books, yes, but my college texts were at least on par...
  13. Icebrc

    Sort of new

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm already beginning to enjoy myself.
  14. Icebrc

    Punctuated Equilibrium isn't science!

    First, Fossils are simply supporting evidence. Evolution's strongest support of evidence exists right now and is observable and repeatable. Fossils can't be solely relied on because they are not something we can count on finding. Second, you are taking that statement out of context. Most...
  15. Icebrc

    Punctuated Equilibrium isn't science!

    Was this towards my last post? Well, because my education wasn't in just details and facts, it was also about reviewing the evidence, questioning the evidence and of course testing it yourself. I don't exactly understand how you can be "predujice toward Evolution." Can you be predujice towards...
  16. Icebrc

    What if evolution is left out of biology class?

    Well, if they promoted supernatural conclusions from their research then it would clearly not be scientific research. Perhaps fitted for a theological journal but not a scientific one. ID and OEC are only different on time scales.
  17. Icebrc

    Punctuated Equilibrium isn't science!

    May I ask again, what your source of knowledge on science specifically is? and although I know this probably wasn't directed at me, I'll answer. Because I have involved myself in post-secondary courses, reputable texts, peer reviewed journals and active/ongoing research.
  18. Icebrc

    Punctuated Equilibrium isn't science!

    Evolutoin doesn't have anything to do with origin of matter, the Big Band or even the origin of life. evolution: change in allele frequences over time in a population.
  19. Icebrc

    Cosmology: a friend of theism

    I think if it helps you feel better about bridging the gaps between religion and science then good. But if it encourages the manipulating of what science reallys says to fit a preconceived faith, then its bad. Most YEC can't accept the Big Bang without compromising their belief in a young...
  20. Icebrc

    Punctuated Equilibrium isn't science!

    Sorry to interject here in the middle of a thread, but I am curious what makes you believe that you know a "LOT" about science? You say you have a few science books, but what are they? Who did the publishing, editing and of course writing? What journals have you read or have a subscription to...