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  1. E

    New Here

    I remember one of the" celebrity priests "from days past (might have been Fulton Sheen) once say something along the lines of:" my generation of priests gets into arguments, the next generation will be called bigoted, and by the fourth generation they will be executed in the public square...
  2. E

    Why is atheism no longer cool?

    I think OP is referring to the seeming comeback religion and "faith" might be making in the last few years. For example, one of the top podcasts this year so far is Fr. Mike's "Bible in a Year". To me it seems that the pandemic and quarantines have caused a somewhat sizeable group of modern...
  3. E

    Why is atheism no longer cool?

    Late 30's and saved here too! I'm sometimes embarrassed that it took so long for me to find the Truth but at least it was found...
  4. E

    New Here

    It's spreading to the "real world" too. I'm part of an inter-denominational "resource group" at work as our company has this "resource group" program and you can form one for almost any reason (ethic and racial groups, LGBT, women's, hobbies, professional interest) - but dare you try to form a...
  5. E

    Hello Y'all

    Agreed. They already did away with the other protnonsense by calling it "hate speech" but keep up the atheism and "ex-catholoc" subs.
  6. E

    Hello Y'all

    Hey buddy! Thanks for letting us know about this place!
  7. E

    Hello Y'all

    Hi fellow Tiber swimmers. I'm new here - migrated over from reddit as it seems the catholic subs have a target on them. It's too bad because /r/Catholicism hmhas been absolutely instrumental to my reversion back to Christianity. Anyway, I just wanted to say "hello" and I look forward to...
  8. E

    New Here

    Hi all! New catholic here. I am planting my flag here as reddit is becoming more hostile to catholics and serious christains in general. It's only a matter of time before our subreddits are banned or "admined" into oblivion. I hope everyone had a good afternoon and God bless!