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  1. Henry_iain_Lawrie

    Just saying hello....yet another difficult phase of my life.

    Hello Rusty. Welcome to CF ;) Nice to meet you. You seem to be going through a pretty rough time. I am glad that you are here and I hope you will find some answers. There are no easy answers here. But I know that God can pull you through this. There is hope for you in Christ. There are many...
  2. Henry_iain_Lawrie

    Last Post Wins

    no one cares, apparently. So that means one more post won't make a difference. And if it happens to be the last one, so be it, right? :)
  3. Henry_iain_Lawrie

    Last Post Wins

    Glad to hear it
  4. Henry_iain_Lawrie


    Hi, Welcome to CF :D Nice to meet you. Enjoy the forums. God bless
  5. Henry_iain_Lawrie

    What Are You Afraid Of?

    By the way, and completely off topic, but I am a big Pirates of the Caribbean fan.
  6. Henry_iain_Lawrie

    What Are You Afraid Of?

    I would disagree with you just slightly here. I think there is subtle difference between fear and wisdom. Wisdom is by nature not rash or reckless, but wisdom is also bold and does not let fear dictate our choices. The Bible never describes fear positively, except in the sense of the Fear of the...
  7. Henry_iain_Lawrie

    What Are You Afraid Of?

    What would you say is the differences between fright, fear, anxiety and worry? I might be scared of the big angry dog attacking me in that moment, but I am not scared of that right now. Because what I am really afraid of is the potential pain, death, or both that could come my way. So I think...
  8. Henry_iain_Lawrie


    at this stage it seems like my most viable option although I am open to other possibilities.
  9. Henry_iain_Lawrie


    I have done some counselling. And I have worked in outreaches. There is a long story here, but I am unemployed right now. I am an amateur artist, painting with acrylic on canvas. So that is mostly what keeps me occupied.
  10. Henry_iain_Lawrie

    I Feel Like I Should Make A Proper Introduction Thread

    A rose by any other name still smells as sweet :D. I have just met you, so, well met again. ;) I am mostly called by my second name (iain) offline. But online I have found that letter i and L look very similar in many fonts so iain can look like Lain. And so I decided to go with my first name...
  11. Henry_iain_Lawrie

    Struggling Homosexual

    Hello Charlie :) Welcome. Nice to meet you. Thank you for your honesty. I can't say I have any easy answers for, you but I do understand somewhat. Don't give up. I am praying for you. I hope you find something that will help you here. God bless
  12. Henry_iain_Lawrie

    How do I start a private conversation..

    hi. Welcome. :) Nice to meet you. Enjoy your time here. God bless
  13. Henry_iain_Lawrie


    I really took a while to answer that question. I never really think of it in that way. I studied as a social worker although I am not practising in that field right now. I think it is a little of both; something I was born with and a gift. When I was in school, a friend dared me to eat a whole...
  14. Henry_iain_Lawrie


    Nice questions. Greatest strength: Compassion A funny habit: I eat a whole apple. Including the core. Pig out food: Pizza Best thing I'm learning about God: He is a good father. He is always there. In a world full of chaos, He is a constant source of strength. What cheers you up: A good...