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  1. P

    No Gore in '04

    Whether former President Clinton or former Vice President Gore are Christian or not is between them and God.  Their positions on abortion and homesexuality are certainly unbiblical.  Al and Tipper wrote a book on families including a gay couple as a family.  It matters not...
  2. P

    Misconceptions people have about the Catholic faith...

    The issues listed are just listed.  Could we have some explanation i.e. the misconception about each and the truth of each?  My question:  How are you saved?  This is a helpful thread.  I go by the official positions of the Church.  However, maybe not all Roman...
  3. P

    What day is the Sabbath?

    The Sabbath was the seventh day of the week, Saturday. God gave that commandment to the nation of Israel under the law. We are under the new covenant insituted by the blood of Jesus. The seventh day Sabbath is not binding on us as Christians. Despite what the SDA will try to tell us history...
  4. P

    Do you think any one denomination is right?

    It is important to pray and see where God wants you to go and where you can be ministered to as well as minister to others.  Be careful not to look at what a church can do for you but also what you can do for the church.  It isn't wrong to go to different churches and allow God to...
  5. P

    Muslim Brothers and Sisters

    It is true that Jesus loves us all, whether Christian or Muslim, but we do not serve the same God. Your God, Allah, is not the God of the Bible. We do not worship the same God.
  6. P

    King James Version

    I use the NASB which is one of the most accurate translations avaiable. None are perfect except the originals penned by the original authors inspired by God. We don't have those however.