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  1. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    I completely agree, they are equal in the sense that their different roles are equally as important and to shatter either of these roles is to shatter the family structure
  2. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    So refreshing to see someone in this thread following the bible and not twisting scripture for a worldly agenda
  3. Ethalee

    Free choice

    Because people should be held accountable for their actions. If they are given the freedom to choose and they use that freedom to do evil then they deserve punishment.
  4. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    This biblical revisionism is pretty blasphemous, how is the chart not accurate when there are literal biblical verses that instruct that the wife is under the husband, and that the husband is under Christ? Repeatedly. You also took the quote out of context because immediately after it says...
  5. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    That belief is not Christian at all, the bible is very clear about our roles as men and women, again 1 Timothy 2:11-15 Ephesians 5:22-23 What you are advocating for (anti-patriarchy) completely undermines the divine family order that is repeatedly demanded of us in scripture. One of the most...
  6. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    ^ This 100%. Spirituality does not disprove maleness. Not to mention God has had human forms all of which are male.
  7. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    The fact that male and female is an innate biological difference between us is irrelevant. God made Adam to be in his image (a male one). Also God holds authority over us, which the bible recognises to be an exclusively male role. He encourages the men of this Earth to behave like him in that...
  8. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    It's blaspheme
  9. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    aw very wholesome amidst all this debate, much love
  10. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    2 Corinthians 6:18: "And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty." 1 John 3:1 "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that...
  11. Ethalee

    Are these Christian headcovers good?

    I really want to get into head covering of this fashion. I think it's gorgeous, and the ones in OP are lovely!!!
  12. Ethalee

    God as much of a woman as a man

    Absolutely not. The bible is pretty clear that God is male. Just because he is with us through the holy spirit doesn't make him any less male.
  13. Ethalee

    Would a Christian abuse or abandon a cat or a dog?

    Absolutely not. And if an animal called themselves Christian they are Christian in name only. Part of christianity is preserving innocence and love and being a decent human being
  14. Ethalee

    Are there any correlations between those protesting lockdowns and those downplaying the virus?

    You brought up the coronavirus and downplaying the virus and you're just going to dismiss conversation or posts directly related to that topic because it's an opposition or "conspiracy"?
  15. Ethalee

    Wife has left faith

    It's genuinely not your fault, nobody does anything to bring that on themselves and you aren't "throwing your wife under the bus" by coming forward about her mistreatment of you. You are genuinely the vicim here, and sharing this struggle with others is not an act of airing dirty laundry but a...
  16. Ethalee

    Wife has left faith

    You contradict yourself, you say that you are holding the wife accountable for the sick things that she did to this man and yet when the victim of this situation is talking about her wrongdoings you insist it is a "blame game" and in your OP you said he was unfairly throwing his wife under the...
  17. Ethalee

    Wife has left faith

    As a marriage counsellor I think it's reasonable that you don't try and get abuse victims to "share the blame" with their abuser, because cheating is abuse. It's being unloyal to someone to such an extreme, manipulating them, lying to their face, throwing their trust away and giving them...
  18. Ethalee

    Wife has left faith

    She cheated on him. How can you say it is partially his fault when she had multiple affairs and converted to a religion that directly opposes his?
  19. Ethalee

    Depression triggered by pet loss

    I recommend distracting yourself and focusing on you and your hobbies to take away from the loss and not having a pet to fill your heart