Search results

  1. vinny01

    Search engines that plant trees & help the 3rd world

    The search API/results runs off Bing and Google.... The results from Ecosia and Lilo are basically the same as Bing & Google. Many people have started to say Google are filtering down some results, go bing go Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees - ★★ ♡ ♬...
  2. vinny01

    Prayers for our children

    In a prayer to our Lord, may our Great High Priest light their path
  3. vinny01

    What are YOU currently reading? (8) We need that on the Archive !!!
  4. vinny01

    I am just wondering, but what kind of person are you?

    I have been devolved and made as a ugly person.
  5. vinny01

    Hindu All One

    Well, Baba appeared in my dreams.... If you go online to discussion boards he appears in other peoples dreams too,
  6. vinny01

    Hindu All One

    Neem Baba always refereed to Christ as God & the Creator. I am not going off here, but if you investigate Ram Dass, you will find out that Neem baba the hindu saint had creation in the start of the 1970 drug war with Nixon. Ram Dass - Wikipedia
  7. vinny01

    Hindu All One

    Yes I would agree, Neem Baba said that wanting to teach the world as One. If everyone was 'one' then there would be no war or separation or torture of sinners.
  8. vinny01

    Bernie Sanders drops out of the 2020 race, clearing Joe Biden's path to the Democratic nomination

    not that great really, because Bernie was a front for the legalization of cannabis and basic normalizes like euthanasia and abortion... they are dying in Africa every god dam ***king day. I neither find it ironic nor are we shocked ^^ that beloved Franco Loja who is a cannabis strain hunter...
  9. vinny01

    Please pray for me regarding Schizophrenia.

    May we pray for from our hearts and switch the negative malevolent energy of Schizophrenia to fun manic serenity all around fun bouncing loving guy , we ask holy spirit that you will be free and liberated with the earth. We pray that antipsychotics and mind-closing choices of medicine will be...
  10. vinny01

    Has Covid-19 changed/refined anyone's beliefs about how God heals today?

    30 billion animals are slaughtered every year ! Millions of Dogs are boiled alive every year in China for food. That's where the virus started. I believe Jesus would want humans off the planet. I think there are some spirits above that would encourage the removal of bad people.
  11. vinny01

    Hindu All One

    The Buddhist's meditation teaching is nice but the Karma teaching is beyond neanderthal. A Hindu deity Neem Karoli Baba (YT) often repeated 'Sab Ek' (all one) "It is deception to teach by individual differences and karma. See all the same. You can't realize god if you see differences."...
  12. vinny01

    Catholic Priest vs Aztec Priest

  13. vinny01

    Prayer for family

    [f] Would be involved with the father and him crying because of the way he the spirit made me.... So I say pass it onto a attorney or up to the stars you GO. And to remove his fake offerings.
  14. vinny01

    Prayer for family

    Please help pray for my farther and mother who were basically sacrificed through my body of being to the stick and many others and who were hit really bad with a spirit, blood ,sweat and tears in soul... I pray and ask for the help to remove the evil spirit in the home which is a very old home...
  15. vinny01

    Coronavirus in ALL 50 states

    The sad thing is all the old people are dying, above 70% Ireland..
  16. vinny01

    Please pray for my eye damage

    We pray for you, and ask our Lord the creator to remove the pain & suffering and be one with the Lord.