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  1. M

    I wish I was never born...I know I should return to God but don't know how to

    Thanks for all the replies (there are soo many after I wake up so please excuse me for not replying to everyone) but I did read every single one of the replies and they were all extremely insightful and it was the first time in the past year that my heart became soft enough to start to...
  2. M

    I wish I was never born...I know I should return to God but don't know how to

    Thank you! I am currently seeing a counselor and you're right that I may be depressed.
  3. M

    I wish I was never born...I know I should return to God but don't know how to

    Thank you! I do receive many support from my church community so I don't plan to leave it for now...But I would eventually have to look for a church back in my home country so hopefully God will guide me to one that is appropriate
  4. M

    I wish I was never born...I know I should return to God but don't know how to

    Makes sense. Regarding different congregations - I am often confused why there are so many congregations and the major fear I have when looking for a church to go to, would be unknowingly attending a church that is actually a cult that twisted the meaning of the Scriptures and is leading its...
  5. M

    I wish I was never born...I know I should return to God but don't know how to

    Thank you..and you are absolutely right. I've been seeing a counselor and she said I may be mild to moderately depressed though I'm not absolutely sure if I have done the tests correctly.
  6. M

    I wish I was never born...I know I should return to God but don't know how to

    I'm actually studying overseas so I'm not with my parents (which allowed me a great degree of freedom to choose to go to Church) but when I'm back to home during holidays, I would not go to Church anymore and I couldn't find a local church in my home country to regularly go to ): I guess that's...
  7. M

    I wish I was never born...I know I should return to God but don't know how to

    Thank you all for your replies and testimony, really helped me to make more sense of my own life and encouraged me. Hopefully I could become strong again to stand up and fight my battles
  8. M

    No more emotions

    I also learnt to mute my emotions in order to save myself from being heartbroken over and over again. I lived years being contented to have no emotions but recently I realized how lack of emotions created distance between me and my friends - Now I can't get close to anyone because I can't feel...
  9. M

    I wish I was never born...I know I should return to God but don't know how to

    I know that God created me because He loves me. However, I can't help but grief about my own existence - I always wish I never existed, or that I died at a very young age, so that I never have to go through the sad things I've encountered in this life. I see no hope in the world nor my...