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  1. P

    Belgic Confession Article 18 Anabaptist heresy

    The soonest unequivocal declaration to this custom is in a tract of Leopold Scharnschlager ... The term catabaptist utilized here overwhelmingly by Zwingli was acquired from Oekolampad, ... it is additionally the most significant occasion in the entire history of Anabaptism. ... He alluded to...
  2. P

    Hello there!

    i am also a follower of Jesus and i read bible regularly.
  3. P

    Admin Announcement Lets Talk About Blessings

    God in very close to home terms, as a being that by one way or another gives truly close consideration to them and every single other individual on the planet, they sense that favors are an aftereffect of moves they have made, considering them being doled out by this individual God as indicated...