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  1. K

    Why Gabriel? And why the "man" Gabriel, in Daniel 9?

    Gabriel is called a man because he was a man of some kind before he became an archangel. This doesn't mean he originated from earth. He more likely came from a realm outside of the earth or the solar system.
  2. K

    Is a Contiguous Count of Daniel’s 70 Weeks found in New Testament Writings?

    I have a question: Why are the 70 weeks divided into 7, 62 and 1 weeks? If there is a time period between the 62 and 1 weeks, why isn't there a time period between the 7 and 62 weeks? Why couldn't the command to build the temple originally come from God, and was finally implemented by a Persian...
  3. K

    Is the Body of Christ the Bride of Christ?

    "All the redeemed are the bride of Christ- it’s a spiritual marriage, there’s no sexual relations. God married all of Israel in the first covenant, not just the women" No. Israel was God's first-born son (Ex 4:22), not a wife. Israel is not a woman. The notion of a divorce (Jer 3:6-11) was...
  4. K

    Is the Body of Christ the Bride of Christ?

    Would you say this distinction continues on forever? Galatians 3:28 says there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female. Should we keep these other distinctions also? No- these distinctions disappear in the resurrection after the Great White Throne Judgment.
  5. K

    Is the Body of Christ the Bride of Christ?

    No. The Bride of Christ is composed exclusively of women. Christian men do not marry Christ - this is a form of spiritual homosexuality. Homosexuality in any sense is abhorrent to both Jews and Christians. Christian men belong to the brotherhood of Christ - 1 Peter 2:17 - of which Christ is the...
  6. K

    The Desecration of the Second Temple

    My interpretation of the 2300 days begins with the invasion of the temple by Antiochus IV in 169 BC and ends in 162 BC with the granting of religious freedom for the Jews under the reign of Antiochus V, when a weak peace was accepted by the Jews. The Hellenization ended. We get the impression...
  7. K

    They will mingle with the seeds of men. Who are they?

    The book of Ecclesiastes by Solomon describes the state of humanity independently of the divine influence of the Deity or God. Man, as such, has no reason to depart from his basic characteristics, and thus there is no new human behavior under the sun. The same would be true of other species such...
  8. K

    They will mingle with the seeds of men. Who are they?

    Ecc. 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. This is a spiritual and moral truth of the Old Testament, not a technological truth - we have no reason to believe the people of Noah's time...
  9. K

    They will mingle with the seeds of men. Who are they?

    The fourth kingdom hasn't yet arisen. We have no historical example of iron and clay combining together to form one kingdom or empire. Clay represents a government of natural man without religious or spiritual beliefs. Think of communist China, North Korea, etc. Iron represents a government...
  10. K

    Isaiah speaks to the Spiritually Deaf and Blind.

    One last comment: People who base their predictions solely on biblical interpretation have had a bad record. For example, the Millerites who falsely predicted the second coming of Christ in 1844-6, or the Armstrong people who predicted a 10-nation European Union. No one using only bible verses...
  11. K

    Isaiah speaks to the Spiritually Deaf and Blind.

    Do any of the five fold gifts of ministry - apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, still exist today? Eph 4:11-12 And what about the list in 1 Cor 12:28-31? Do these still exist? Is there nothing now existing except for biblical interpretation?
  12. K

    Isaiah speaks to the Spiritually Deaf and Blind.

    Real seers and prophets in New Zealand such as Michael Griffiths and Nathan Shaw predict major disasters and major revival for New Zealand. What do you believe will happen to New Zealand in the future - based on your bible studies?
  13. K

    Isaiah speaks to the Spiritually Deaf and Blind.

    But consider this: Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but, he revealeth his secret unto his servants. the prophets." The USA has received hundreds of warnings on the internet about its catastrophic future, but you are saying no effective warning will be given to the Middle East. No...
  14. K

    Isaiah speaks to the Spiritually Deaf and Blind.

    Terrible destruction in the Middle East would be announced by a proliferation of dreams, visions, and prophecies by those living in the Middle East. Can you give us at least one example of a prophetic warning of a Coronal Mass Ejection by someone now living in that region of the world?
  15. K

    "Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob"

    Jacob refers to the physical bloodline or physical descendants of Jacob, whether good, bad or ugly. Israel refers to the spiritual condition of righteousness and holiness for both Jews and Christians. Verse 25 won't be fulfilled until all the Jews in all the countries of the world have emigrated...
  16. K

    Be Warned: Testing will Surely Come.

    You said: "I can't write out the whole Prophetic Word here. However; you can find it, written out in over 800 short articles, with other scriptures and common knowledge to help explain it; at" I suggest you put everything together into one book and/or ebook form so people can...
  17. K

    Be Warned: Testing will Surely Come.

    You said: "As described in Revelation 8 to the end. And in Daniel 7:23-25 There is coming a worldwide disaster, which will enable a One World Govt to be established. It will be led, fairly quickly; by one powerful and charismatic man. He will gain control over half of Gods faithful people for...
  18. K

    Be Warned: Testing will Surely Come.

    You say we know the rest of the story, but I suspect your story is quite different from mine. So, what do you say is the rest of the story?
  19. K

    Futurist Only Islamic and Christian Eschatology: The same story from opposing sides?

    Christ is a physical descendant of King David, who also was described as ruddy in the bible. Dajjal (the liar) is the Antichrist who performs seemingly great miracles. The Antichrist does not depend on the military to rule his domain. He isn't found in the book of Revelation, neither is...
  20. K

    Futurist Only Islamic and Christian Eschatology: The same story from opposing sides?

    Neither the Mahdi or the second coming of Christ is found in Revelation. The Mahdi in Islamic prophecies is present at the time of Christ's second coming, and sees and speaks with him. Christ does not come on a white horse - he comes the same way as he went, by direct descent from heaven (Acts...