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  1. Epthediah

    Why are some churches celebrating sinful conduct?

    I'm on the LGBT spectrum and I am disgusted by churches that go out of their way to acclimate to anti-Christian policy. These churches don't care about the personal salvation of their members, it's all about racking up Good Boy points on social media.
  2. Epthediah

    No, Ocasio-Cortez didn't call Americans garbage, as Donald Trump claims

    Lol Politifact. Dude just quote WaPo instead, it's all the same entity.
  3. Epthediah

    Kissing Marriage Goodbye

    That's wonderful, congratulations!
  4. Epthediah

    Kissing Marriage Goodbye

    Modern marriage seems to end in life-wrecking conflict more often than not. I honestly don't understand why anyone even tries anymore.
  5. Epthediah

    Lonely, gay but holy

    The loving sacrifices and inner strength of fellow Christians never fails to humble and impress me. OP is an inspiration.
  6. Epthediah

    What the republicans are trying to do to America...

    Driving division amongst Christians over issues of taxation and the efficiency if federal power seems needlessly political, especially since there is evidence on both sides to support their position. Perhaps this isn't the site I thought it was, but it was the only site that came up in my search.
  7. Epthediah

    What the republicans are trying to do to America...

    I'm shocked by how political this forum is.
  8. Epthediah

    Polygamy & Christendom

    I don't understand the desire to ensure that everything currently illegal should be a sin. Polygamy is a disgusting concept to me, personally, and the only people that practice it in a modern context seem to crazy cultists. But historically, polygamy was viewed as harmless and even merciful...
  9. Epthediah

    I need help/a friend/support

    Having severe tinnitus must be awful, like being swallowed in a cloud of inescapable white noise. I'm not very good at giving (good) advice, but I'm pretty good at shutting up and listening, if you ever need someone to talk to.
  10. Epthediah

    Buddhism books: throw, recycle, donate, pass on, burn?

    I'm certainly glad that the Early Christians didn't go around burning and wrecking everything influenced by Roman Paganism. So much history and art would have been lost.
  11. Epthediah

    Girl knees boy in crotch during anti-trans Snapchat 'protest'

    Slow news day. "Man gives other man wedgie, more at 11."
  12. Epthediah

    Why is it so hard to meet someone?

    In my case, it's a combination of shyness, social awkwardness, and resembling a Pillsbury Doughboy made of raw hamburger. The cheap aftershave doesn't help either.
  13. Epthediah

    My Generic Introduction

    Hi there. My name is Ben. I'm old-ish and uninteresting, yet another depressive geek in the murky ocean that is the internet. I'd like to please God, but it feels I'm incapable of doing so. Thanks for your time.