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  1. C

    Please pray for my daughter

    How are things going? I have been praying for your daughter. Hugs
  2. C

    Please pray for my daughter

    Thank you for sharing. I am sorry your daughter is struggling with depression. I have struggled for years with depression so I can relate. I couldn't believe as a Christian how I could feel these deep dark feelings. You supporting her is so helpful. Just continue to remind her how much you...
  3. C

    Please pray for me

    How are things going? I have been praying for you. Hugs
  4. C

    Please pray for me

    How are things going? I have been praying for you. Hugs
  5. C


    How are you doing with your thoughts since your wrote this post? I have been praying for your spirit. God Bless
  6. C

    Please pray for me

    I am sorry to hear that you struggle with depression. Loss can definitely affect us. I also have struggled with depression and even though we are believers in Christ doesn't mean we don't go through trials in life. In fact that is what makes us stornger in our faith. Do you see anyone for...
  7. C


    Thank you for being honest about your thoughts and sharing. Have you considered seeing a counselor about the need for perfection? I struggled with perfectionism for years and it only made me miserable as I could never meet up to my expectations. Going to counseling really helped me to see I...
  8. C

    Scared of going to hell.

    From everyone's input, do feel any better about your thoughts about being saved and not fearing hell? I continue to pray for you. Hugs.
  9. C

    Scared of going to hell.

    I am sorry you are struggling with fear of hell. There are so many resources out there, especially verses in the bible that show you once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You are saved and no longer have to be concerned about perishing. Have you said the salvation prayer? Lord Jesus, I...
  10. C

    How do I successfully live the Christian life?

    Thank you for being open and sharing. I understand your concerns with being a Christian. However, first and foremost God loves us. He is not looking at we are not doing. He loves us because He created us. His love is unconditional. We don't have to do anything to earn His love. There are two...
  11. C

    Struggling with depression

    I can relate to your frustration with Depression. I am a Christian have been for over 30 years. However, I have struggled with this chemical imbalance for years. The last few months have been 14 days good and then 7 days I spiral. It is driving me crazy. I know God is in control in my mind...
  12. C

    Advice on whats going on

    Thank you for sharing. I am sorry you struggle with depression. So do I. When you had depression before did you see a doctor? Do you go to therapy or can talk to a pastor at your church? Once you are born again you are a child of God. God is always with us, but depression is a disease and for...
  13. C

    Christian relationship advice

    Thank you for sharing. Sorry your relationship is not working out. Often times when we are not at peace with a situation it is God's way of showing us that we are not doing His will. This man may not be the man God has planned for you. Prayer and being is the word is the best thing you can...
  14. C


    The more you focus on God and in His word, the less fear we will experience. Fear verse Faith is really true. It is truly the matter of what we focus on and if we believe God says what He is going to do. He is the Almighty Father and will take care of us. I understand the struggles with...
  15. C

    I feel confused about Jesus Christ and Christianity

    Have the responses been helpful? There are no dumb questions only curiosity. When Jesus lost his patience and became angry is was not a sin. We have a right to get angry, the question is do we sin when we are angry. Do we do hurtful things? Jesus often would question what the Pharisees were...
  16. C


    How are you doing with your struggles? I have been praying for you. Hugs
  17. C

    Ask for your thoughts and prayers

    How are you doing with your struggles? I have been praying for you. Hugs
  18. C

    I feel confused about Jesus Christ and Christianity

    Thank you for being honest and sharing. You said you grew up in a Christian family. Do you feel like you have a personal relationship with God? Being a Christian mean that you are a child of God. He is our Heavenly Father. An a loving and compassionate Father. It is mentioned all throughout...
  19. C

    Ask for your thoughts and prayers

    Thnan Thank you for sharing. I am sorry you went through all that work only for the committee to not be willing to meet the deadline. When I get frustrated with people and programs especially with church. I am reminded that no one is perfect, only Christ and that is who I can always count...
  20. C


    My prayers will be for you and your father. One thing that really helps me is going to God with my concerns. I recently have started a great activity that helps me get into God's word more and going deeper in my relationship with Him. It is called SOAP journal that I do daily. S - stands for...