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  1. Doulos 7

    The Church That Jesus Built (part 2)- Name

    In this edition lets look at a few names that God has given the church. Surely somewhere there is a church, which belongs to the Lord, and is not in any way identified as being of man. The Lord said, "I will build my church" (Matt. 1 6: 18). The New Testament scriptures show that Jesus did what...
  2. Doulos 7

    The Church That Jesus Built (part 1) -intro.

    This chain of articles is designed to equip the saints (Ephesians 4:12) to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints” (Jude 3). This will be a five-part series discussing the church the Jesus built (Matthew 16:18), and how to identify it today in the 21st...
  3. Doulos 7

    Truth Seekers

    A Blog in search of the Lord's way in salvation, the church, and our daily lives! Join me as we seek out the truths in God's inspired word!