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  1. D

    The Psychology of the Devil.

    The devil fell from Heaven like lightning when he was filled with pride and entertained the idea of being worshipped as God. Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Isaiah 14:12-15 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art...
  2. D

    Need Prayer for boldness

    I don't know why or what my problem is with this, but I have a problem with boldness when it comes to sharing the gospel in person with people. I'm fine with it online. I have no problem with that. And I also have no problem sharing if I'm asked questions in person. But to just outright bring up...
  3. D

    Why don't you Believe the Gospel?

    This question is for those who know they are not Christians, who have not believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, for redemption of your soul. When someone shares the gospel with you, to repent of your sins, and believe on the Lord Jesus, and trust Him to forgive your sins and save you...
  4. D

    Why don't you Believe the Gospel?

    This question is for those who know they are not Christians, who have not believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, for redemption of your soul. When someone shares the gospel with you, to repent of your sins, and believe on the Lord Jesus, and trust Him to forgive your sins and save you...