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  1. R

    To Those arguing against Calvinism

    Everyone see this, he attacks the gospel of grace yet REFUSES to articulate his attack with scripture. You are intellectually lazy (all you do is copy and paste other verses) and your theology is biblically weak. No point in bothering with you. Your bible might not have Romans 9 in it, mine does.
  2. R

    To Those arguing against Calvinism

    Care to do an exegisis for us on Romans 9 then? Also, what did Jesus mean in John 6:44? How come God loved Jacob yet hated Esau, before they were formed in the womb? Do you preach universalism? Open theism? Does every one go to heaven? Is your gospel man centered, or God centered?
  3. R

    How does one repent...? Can one fully repent 100% and maintain it in this world...?

    Are you arguing just for the sake of arguing? I literally referred to Matthew 5:48 in my post that you are finding fault in. In no way am I advocating sin. My goodness man.
  4. R

    The Reformation Study Bible

    In fairness I am a 1689 confessional congregationalist . Really enjoying it so far. It was between this or the ESV study bible which also seems like a terrific choice. Either way can't go wrong ❤
  5. R

    To Those arguing against Calvinism

    Free will exists, in that we are free to sin. Our free will is bonded to sin. We do not have free will as far as "coming to Christ". Romans 9, John 6:44, John 10:27-30 clearly explain the doctrine of irresistible grace.
  6. R

    How does one repent...? Can one fully repent 100% and maintain it in this world...?

    I think repentance is more of a state of mind/ heart issue/ view towards sin; no one is without sin. We were born in it, and it permeates through us. When we're born again, we receive the Holy Spirit, who convicts us of our sin. Our desire to sin decreases, we change our view on it. Having...
  7. R

    How can I get in the habit of reading the Bible everyday?

    Also, if you're more of an audio learner, simply listen. ESV website has the ESV, full audio for free. And check out the Psalms Project... the Psalms set to modern music. :-) The Psalms Project: Official Site
  8. R

    How can I get in the habit of reading the Bible everyday?

    Really like the Skillet signature!!
  9. R

    How can I get in the habit of reading the Bible everyday?

    If possible, have a study buddy. Read a chapter a day, the same book in its entirety. Text each other your thoughts and compare verses etc. Also, check out Isaiah. It's AMAZING! :-)
  10. R

    The Reformation Study Bible

    I just purchased one yesterday, it's in transit. This will be my first study bible, I'm really excited. The decision was between this and the ESV study bible, ultimately went with the RSB (ESV edition).
  11. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    False equivalency; you just put words in my mouth. I don't have to water anything down, I speak truth. The rest is up to the Holy Spirit.
  12. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    All of those things are overtly evil, yes. But evil is much more basic than that, it's selfishness. It's rejecting God. It's pride. You're tapping into a spirit world, of course Satan is at work in that. As a human being, you are created in God's image, even if you don't believe in Him...
  13. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    I saw the title of the thread and assumed it was Christians only. I use this site from my phone. I'll be more careful next time, as I'm obviously on here to talk with other Christians only.
  14. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    Perhaps a Wiccan Forums website may be in order then?
  15. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    I'm not concerned with what you think, you are not God. I don't adhere to modern relativism.
  16. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    Witchcraft, it's all from Satan.
  17. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    I do want him here, my question is merly why ask what he is asking, considering the audience and the format.
  18. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    Why are you on this site then? Satan is real, and you're engaging in real dark powers that you don't understand.
  19. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    It will always be evil because the LORD says so, not seen as evil because the bible says so. Witchcraft is an abomination. If you accept Jesus as Lord, you can tap into the true Holy Spirit. Spiritual warfare is very real, you're on the wrong side of it right now. What Does the Bible Say About...
  20. R

    Share ideas for evangelizing

    Well of course you may be viewed as suspitious, you're announcing that you are on the same side as Satan. Surely you're aware of what Christians beleive, aren't you? It would be like me being surprised when people are awkward around me when I wear evangelical clothing. I know that many people...