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  1. Apex

    What is the difference between "love" & "sex-?

    You can have loveless sex and you can have loving sex - inside or outside of marriage.
  2. Apex

    If sex leads to overpopulation would God have originally expected humans to only have sex occasional

    Over population is not the issue. Resource management is the issue. This planet could easily sustain a larger population if we actually loved our neighbors. As for sex - not all sex is procreative. Humans continue to have sex post-menopause and during pregnancy, not to mention the various...
  3. Apex

    Will the Levitical Priests make Sacrifices during the Millennial Reign?

    No. The "sanctuary" (Jerusalem Temple) is no longer functioning or standing. It was utterly destroyed in 70 CE. Never again will there be a legitimate temple or Jewish priesthood. These elements were all part of the Old Covenant which no longer is in place.
  4. Apex

    Has Covid-19 changed/refined anyone's beliefs about how God heals today?

    Because the most likely answer makes people feel uncomfortable.
  5. Apex

    Has Covid-19 changed/refined anyone's beliefs about how God heals today?

    Please don't take my comment as being irreverent, but if God is involved in miraculous healing today - why does he primarily heal diseases that can have alternative explanations for their healing? We really don't see God miraculously healing amputees or people with genetic disorders (like Down's...
  6. Apex

    Was Ceremonial Law Abolished?

    This is a loaded question - so I didn't take the poll. However, I will address the topic. In Matthew 5:18 Jesus said, "For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished." I believe all this was accomplished in...
  7. Apex

    Beware of Pre-Tribbers Doomsday Hype

    Those verses are speaking about a future event. I am not suggesting they aren't. However, this was a future event to the original audience that heard these words. They were warned to flee when they saw the Roman armies coming. The Jews stayed behind and thought God would protect them and would...
  8. Apex

    100%, absolute, irrefutable proof of God's existence

    Humans. Always thinking that being at the center of something makes them more important. Remember the fuss humans made when they found out that their planet wasn't the center of the solar system?
  9. Apex

    Beware of Pre-Tribbers Doomsday Hype

    Are you even reading my comments? You haven't directly addressed any of my points. This makes for poor dialogue. From my observation, the group that does the most squeezing are those that attempt to make newspaper headlines fit into their eschatology. I have many pastor friends on my social...
  10. Apex

    Beware of Pre-Tribbers Doomsday Hype

    I highly recommend reading the Book of Revelation, Chapters 6 through 19, then reading Josephus, Jewish War, books 4–7. John specifically declares that he is writing a prophecy about events that "must shortly take place" because "the time is at hand". Consequently, the careful interpreter...
  11. Apex

    Beware of Pre-Tribbers Doomsday Hype

    Please explain how this is a stretch? Here is what the church historian Eusebius had to say about this event: "But the people of the church in Jerusalem had been commanded by a revelation, vouchsafed to approved men there before the war, to leave the city and to dwell in a certain town of Perea...
  12. Apex

    Beware of Pre-Tribbers Doomsday Hype

    This is not speaking of a future event. Look at the activities these people are engaged in, this is first-century agrarian work. Do you know anyone who grinds at the mill? This has already been fulfilled. It happened during the Jewish Wars. We have historical records showing that Jesus’...
  13. Apex

    Christianity and the Pig

    Duplicate post
  14. Apex

    Christianity and the Pig

    The concepts of clean and unclean deal with boundaries. This has nothing to do with whether or not the meat was safe or healthy to eat (if that is what you are insinuating, forgive me if you are not!). For example, rabbit meat is safe, lean, and high in protein. However, rabbit is not considered...
  15. Apex

    Christianity and the Pig

    God did not create the dietary laws due to health concerns. These laws were about purity boundaries and identity. These are intangible concepts.
  16. Apex

    Beware of Pre-Tribbers Doomsday Hype

    There are multiple areas in which the impact of losing millions of people at once would be felt and could not go unnoticed. For example, think about the immediate economic impact. Millions of people would no longer be working, paying bills, or spending money. Think about all the rent and...
  17. Apex

    Beware of Pre-Tribbers Doomsday Hype

    There are countless families, living in the same house, that are religiously mixed - where one or more members are not Christians. If the rapture happened, it would not go unnoticed.
  18. Apex

    Beware of Pre-Tribbers Doomsday Hype

    Thanks to the popularity of the Left Behind novels and movies, the pre-tribulation rapture theology is now globally known. It was literally made into a Hollywood movie starring Nicholas Cage! Even people from other religions and nations are acutely aware of this theology and the events it...
  19. Apex

    Who is the harlot of the Apocalypse?

    If I was standing in front of you and said, "When you see an army surround Dallas, know that it is about to be destroyed." You would think I was talking to someone in the distant future? Alright, now I know you haven't been reading my posts. This exact same thing is said about Babylon's...
  20. Apex

    Who is the harlot of the Apocalypse?

    Here is a fun exercise. Read the Olivet Discourse and underline the word "you" when you come across it. It is used dozens of times. For example, in Luke 21:20 it states, "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has come near." Then ask yourself. Who is...