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  1. E

    Need French help

    Maybe I'm not supposed to be in here, but I'm doing year 11 French at school, I love it, but I need help cos I'm not the greatest. Plus, I may be going to France for 5 weeks at the end of the year on exchange (which would be AWESOME)! But anyways, thought if I make myself known I may try...
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    Anyone heard of...?

    Has anyone heard of a christian organisation called the Navigators? They're not like huge, but they're not small either, lol, if that makes sense.
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    I was wondering what people here thought about how the gov. is handling all the refugees and all?
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    God is moving!

    Can anyone else see it? So many things are going on, i feel God's got something big planned for me, and i can see Him moving through others in this awesome country! it's so cool! My sis recently said that at least once a week when she's reading the Bible on the train, a person comes up to her...
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    I'm back!!

    Finally i've been able to get back on here!!  did ya miss me?  please don't answer that! lol. :D   anyways, just a few things, could you please pray for Australia as a nation.  A LOT of peopla have lost their homes in bushfires, over 400 homes have been burnt!&nbsp...
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    A family freind needs URGENT prayer!!

    A family friend who has 5 children, the youngest is in year 10 (so he's 16yrs) has cancer.  She badly needs prayer!! PLEASE pray for her! She now has cancer that is in her entire stomache.  She isn't being treated cos the doctors have given up.  They don't know when she'll die...