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  1. P

    What is the proper way to pray for a girlfriend?

    Wow. You aren't exactly supposed to pray for what you want contrary to God's will. You would need to start by praying to some other thing than God. You need help. Peace Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk
  2. P

    Probably been asked before but - Do Christians believe that every non-Christian ever born will not g

    Pleasing works in the sight of GOD are a product of faith. Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk
  3. P

    Probably been asked before but - Do Christians believe that every non-Christian ever born will not g

    Are you joking? The ignorant are safe and all will be judged by their works. Sent from my Z988 using Tapatalk
  4. P

    Christian owning a restaurant with a bar

    Ultimately we are not held accountable for the actions of others unless we actively, intentionally steer them from the direction of GOD. People in general, hurt or in need are allowed relief through worldly substances. Allowing utter drunkenness and the possibility of lives being ended through...
  5. P

    Religion v Reason

    Of course they can have both. One doesn't extinguish the other. They actually or k quite well together imo.
  6. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    A sign of life's significance, and the very trials and pains that are to be indured for the very direction of life by God's will, for our sake.
  7. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    No shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no herb of the field had yet sprung up; for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground; And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. but of...
  8. P

    How do Angels and Demons operate?

    Thanks for the read.
  9. P

    How do Angels and Demons operate?

    Chance is a myth. Everything happens for a reason. Liked your post.
  10. P

    Philosophical arguments against the existence of God

    All major peaceable monotheistic faiths worship a singular Creator GOD. Based on their scriptures, of course.
  11. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    Did you see that part that says he cursed the ground for our sake? That a so we might learn of the rightious path under GOD and not be utterly destroyed. It still stands. It's not a punishment so much as a blessed opportunity. 2¢ Peace
  12. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    No. There was one sin they expressly knew of. That singular sin(greed) is the cause of all other sins.
  13. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    Knowledge of sin? Yes.
  14. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    A Calvinist beleives the tenets of the TULIP.
  15. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    Stop adding to what I say. The fruit was that of death, and greed which only brings death as all that is not of God is of death. Indeed it was not the tree of life. Whole different tree there friend. Peace
  16. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    GOD warned them of it for their sake, not his.
  17. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    The knowledge was of ways not of GOD and as such of death.
  18. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    No, it does not defeat the purpose of the story. That is what I meant by not at all.
  19. P

    Choices in the Garden of Eden

    Yes, just not the particular means of which to do wrong.