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  1. CharlesC

    A question on love

    If we love everyone, would we not try to set sinners on the correct path verses letting them fall away from the truth?
  2. CharlesC

    Perserverance of the Saints

    A lot of churches believe in the Perseverance of the Saints. I still have difficulty in believing fully in a theory written 500 years after Christ died on the cross. These men were bound to have some error in their theories. As Christians, we are to obey the Bible, the Gospel, the inspired Word...
  3. CharlesC


    What is apostate? How should I be aware of this type of behavior? I know a little about it, from reading Scriptures and from studying it. Paul said, What shall we do than, sin so that sin should be more abound. God forbid. Well a few years back, went to visit a friend. I was baptized and read...
  4. CharlesC


    Can a person deny his faith, on how a Christian lives?
  5. CharlesC


    When a person becomes saved, he goes before the church and confesses he is a sinner and acknowledges Jesus is the Son of God. Does God start working in that person, the moment he is Saved? Than a person becomes baptized by submersion in water and recieves a spirit called the Councilor whom...
  6. CharlesC

    Do we save people as a Christian?

    Are we not to try and save people as Christians? I often look at two statements in the Bible: Jude 22-23 Be merciful to those who doubt, snatch others from the fire and save them, to others show mercy, mixed with fear - hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. Now Jude is talking...
  7. CharlesC

    hardened of the heart

    How do you soften someones heart if it is hard? How will a person act, if hardened of the heart? I recall Moses saying to the Pharaoh , Free my people. Having come back telling of plagues and all. Is hardened of heart to willfully go against God's will? Or is it something more? Is there anyway...
  8. CharlesC

    Light of the world / walking in the light

    Yes.. Glad to help.. Because we as Christians can not be saved by works, after becoming a Christian, good works should be a product of our lives. Because to be Christ like, well Jesus done a lot of good works for the hungry, the poor and disabled. So we are to reflect Jesus.
  9. CharlesC

    Light of the world / walking in the light

    I guess what I am trying to say, is grace can be taken advantage of. Even Paul said, What shall we do? Do we sin more so grace can be more abundantly. God forbid.. So Paul is saying don't sin more. That sin should become utterly sinful. That grace is no reason to continue to sin more. We already...
  10. CharlesC

    Light of the world / walking in the light

    We are all saved by grace through faith. Grace is a free gift.. In Jude 4 " For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago, have slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immortality and deny Jesus Christ our only and deny Jesus...
  11. CharlesC

    Matthew 10:39

    The way I interpret this statement: The one whom finds his life( has luxuries of the world, does not obey the will of God, lives carnal minded) will lose his life( will not have life) but the one whom looses his life for Jesus sake( the one does the will of God, tries to save others, faithful...
  12. CharlesC

    What is the unforgivable sin

    What is the unforgivable sin or unpardonable sin? Can it even be committed today? I knew a man, whom had a son. The son was in a bad car accident and in a coma. The father prayed and prayed because his son was badly off. Near death. The hospital wanted to pull the plug, claiming his son was...
  13. CharlesC

    You should not have children you can't afford to feed.

    I think anyone living off the government, that is not truly in need of assistance, is a sin. It is taking from the people whom really need it. Sadly, their are those woman that take advantage by having children, so the government has to give them more assistance. I can see a person in an...
  14. CharlesC

    Those people who think they know better than you?

    Hope 1 I have heard those words a thousand times. Sort of gets one depressed. I mean, I had a severe stroke at age 16. Could not draw disability and after high school, had to work. I went to businesses, to put in applications, but people could see I should have been approved for disability, so...
  15. CharlesC

    Those people who think they know better than you?

    Well just don't listen to them..
  16. CharlesC

    Homosexuality and the Bible

    I know my Dad was excommunicated for being abusive to my Mother in church. He was given the change to make things correct, but he chose to disobey the church. So the church decided to excommunicate him. No church enjoys this task but it is necessary in order to get the member to repent.
  17. CharlesC

    Homosexuality and the Bible

    Like I said, I was curious. It is not to judge God's authority, because we are all guilty of sin and we all have to believe to be saved. Believing comes with a change that makes sin utterly sinful. Homosexual do flaunt there behavior and that could possibly be the reason. Feel proud verses...
  18. CharlesC


    Well, fornification is a sin still, right? Still immoral living!
  19. CharlesC

    Homosexuality and the Bible

    I am curious about why homosexuality is not a appropriate sin compared to all other sins. Like why is homosexuality an abomination to God, but the sin of being a drunkard is not as bad. Are not sins still sin? That they may cast us into hell, if we commit them without repenting? In Pauls...
  20. CharlesC


    Is it adultery, if a couple never marries, but have been living together for the past 11 years and have a child together?