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  1. S

    Repeating prayers

    Thanks to you all for responding to this thread! Each post was helpful. :) God Bless!
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    Workers of Iniquity Meaning in the Bible? What is a Worker of Iniquity?

    I've been wondering what is a "worker of iniquity" exactly. There's a passage in revelations where Jesus will say to many, "Depart from me, cursed, you that work iniquity?" Not sure if that's how exactly he will say it. Plus I've gotten that far into the Bible yet. I'm in Chronicles in the OT.
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    Troubling Sermon

    I prayed to God for forgiveness the other night because this whole thing put me down into a huge mess. I insulted Jesus and I feel as if I insulted my pastor as well. I'm the one being harsh here not Jesus nor the pastor.
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    Troubling Sermon

    Like I said, me and this generation is probably too soft. We're probably Satan's biggest targets and he entraps us with oversensitivity.
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    Troubling Sermon

    It's safe to say he has had the church for a very long time maybe since the 80s, and he is very wise about things. I just never expected him to use that word. He has a TV program too and on there he seems more like an apologetic.
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    Troubling Sermon

    The pastor has also stated many churches today are workers of inequity. I need to ask: Have you read all of your Bible? Is it acceptable for a Christian to feel pity for lost souls even the ones who've committed the worst of sins?
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    Troubling Sermon

    He said it several times to and even said he hates Fs. Also, I went to his church yesterday and he stated Jesus referred to male prostitutes as dogs. Now one would say that is dehumanizing, though, calling a human an animal name would be exalting that person but insulting to the animal seeing...
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    Troubling Sermon

    Hello I want to know what most Christians think of the "F" word when used to refer to homosexuals and transgender individuals. On a previous thread, I said I used to be a crossdresser but I no longer partake in that. A pastor from a local church I went used the word during a sermon. I know...
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    Did Adam sin?

    If Adam really did sin then why do we as Christians supposed to hate Satan? Satan is known as the father of lies, the devil, the deceiver etc but when he tempts humans the humans are to blame and not Satan? If this is the case, then Satan is merely a programmed tool created by God to tempt...
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    Envy and misogyny

    Hello there I was thinking of bumping this thread back up to see if others will reply. I found out what may help me with my envy and that is to forgive because it seems to be what helps a person move on from sin. And right now I feel I have to forgive women for having a likely better life than...
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    Repeating prayers

    Hello For the few weeks, I have been reading the Bible and praying like I've never have been before to Lord. Though, I have prayed for the same things over and over like for forgiveness. I first did it last week, or maybe the week before, and I have done it again because I slipped into...
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    Envy and misogyny

    On Saturday, I gave my last wig and a few clothes I had left to Hope Village. Now I'm gonna refrain from internet inappropriate content so I can be closer to God. Still I have one worry (and maybe a few others) and that's hell.
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    Envy and misogyny

    Ha! The last one on the chart was pretty funny. But in all seriousness, thanks for responding to this thread. At the college I got to, mostly every woman is wearing provocative clothing whether it is a miniskirt or leggings. With everyone's body parts showing, I doubt anyone would feel...
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    Envy and misogyny

    Hello I'm new to this forum and this is my first post. I also want to cut right to the chase and explain my issues. In 2010 during my first year in college, I began crossdressing because I wanted to be a woman and feel like one. I envied women for their looks and how society wants to protect...