Search results

  1. S

    Gregory Peck - He stood tall

    What about The Omen? He was good in that too.
  2. S

    Star Wars OR Star Trek?

    Honestly, I'm not really a fan of either. But I'll say Star Wars.
  3. S

    What is God saying to you?

    God probably wants to tell me to shut up.
  4. S

    Are You Brave Enough to Post A Picture of Yourself?

    Nope, no picture. Sorry. I'm probably doing you all a favor by not posting my face. It's not a pretty sight, let me tell you.
  5. S

    i hate this 30s thing

    Mine too.
  6. S

    30 something singles

    I cope just fine with it. I'm single and I enjoy being by myself.
  7. S

    Never going to get married!

    Smart. That's all I have to say.
  8. S

    How do you think paradise is really?

    I'll tell you one thing that paradise is not: My life.
  9. S

    I finally disproved god

    So how did you disprove God again?
  10. S

    Good bye everyone! :)
