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  1. L

    The doctrine of hell

    For what purpose has a benevolent God created hell. Perhaps it is to dissuade people from committing the actions that may harm them or others. As a parent tells a child, don't cross the street and enter that jungle, if you do, you will be eaten by a lion who lives there. Or perhaps there is an...
  2. L

    Love towards a nonChristian girl?

    Why can you not love a woman who does not share your faith? Perhaps your relationship with Jesus and with God is more important than your relationship with your future wife. But do you not think Jesus would want you to love your wife as much as you share your devotion for him. We often bicker of...
  3. L

    Fear of Hell and Faith

    To question our own innermost intentions. What a vulnerable place to be. We have seen ourselves as truly who we are. Are we good in the eyes of God or do we lack and dwell in our own grandiosity. Do not be fooled my friends, for those who seem weak are strong and those who seem foolish are wise...