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    If you like natural healing and lifestyle, I'll share with you GOLD: Following Dr. Schulze has dramatically made my life better as I've been suffering with a lot of health issues. He has cured thousands of "incurable...
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    This is the best place I could find to put this Acne treatment

    Apple Vinegar Cider is AMAZING... it clears out my sinus congestion and mind fog when everything else failed. Check out other reviews to see what else it treats:
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    What can I take long term for depression and anxiety?

    There's some very good answers here. Almost overwhelming! lol Here's a strategy to actually implement these techniques and get you out of your depression once and for all! 1. Take 1 of the techniques from this thread and try it for a week, everyday. 2. Record how you feel every day after...
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    Newbie Internet Business - Great News!

    Awesome stuff Jonathan! Thanks for sharing!
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    Affiliate program related business

    I used to do affiliate marketing hardcore and brought me four figure a day incomes. What you however need to know about affiliate marketing is.. you can make money but don't expect it to be as easy as others tout because of rapidly changing internet nature. And it can get VERY overwhelming...
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    Rewarding Careers

    This thread seems to be 7 months old but I'll post here just in case others might find useful. You seem to have saved some money so you're not in "crisis-mode" where you need to scurry to make the next rent. For someone like you, I suggest you have your own business. It'll be the best...
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    Korean Air: Neo-Crusade

    I'm sorry, what's the point you're trying to make here?
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    Finding the Right Opportunity

    Network marketing is not to be confused with MLM. In network marketing, you are selling a genuine/often great product and MLM is usually some bogus product or sometimes even nothing at all. Network marketing is actually recommend by likes of Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki because...
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    Finding the Right Opportunity

    Network marketing is not to be confused with MLM. In network marketing, you are selling a genuine/often great product and MLM is usually some bogus product or sometimes even nothing at all. Network marketing is actually recommend by likes of Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki because you're...
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    need help financially

    What you can do is get a JOB with gardening first and have a part time online BUSINESS. And FLOOD your mind with business books - I recommend Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki to start. The reason I say get a job first is because when we're in "survival mode" we can't think clearly and it...
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    Would you ever start a business?

    The reason I started a business is not only to make money, it was for me to become financially independent. I didn't want to depend on my JOB for the rest of my life to help me survive. It was too risky. I wanted to LEARN how to make money for MYSELF so I don't have to rely on anyone.
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    Advice Needed

    Have you thought about self-publishing? (e.g. publishing on Amazon? iTunes, etc.?) You don't need a bookstore these days to get your message out. People are buying books on Amazon ALL THE TIME. In fact, you'll reach more people this way. If you REALLY want to get into bookstores, gather...
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    How To Make Money Online

    As an entrepreneur with online and offline businesses, I can tell you it's definitely possible to make money online BUT you need to be proper guidance or you will not make it due to a number of reasons. You don't seem to be in a "crisis" mode like many others, not being able to pay rent so...
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    In love with an athiest.

    I was in a similar situation so I'll share my experience: When I first got saved and was gung-ho about living for Christ, etc., my girlfriend at that time was an unbeliever. I had to debate between whether I should go on a ministry to deepen my relationship with Christ or to marry her because...