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  1. D

    life's gone wrong

    I stopped being a Christian and believing in God maybe 6 months ago. Not sure why just thought 'this can't all be right'. Since then my mum has got brain cancer, my grandma lung cancer, my aunt and possibly great uncle have had strokes, there's been family conflicts, ridiculous pressure from...
  2. D

    How to serve Jesus

    What I'm looking for here is basically some good deeds I could do. Like I always try to remind myself to serve God and others but I don't always know what to do. We are told to sort of advertise Christ in the things we do and so make people want to be Christians but I'm not sure what there is...
  3. D

    Should I give?

    I have a friend who keeps asking me for money. Her family isn't too well off but I feel almost sure that her parents can afford to feed the family. However she keeps asking for money to buy meals and I must have lent her around £30 in the last couple of weeks. I receive £5 a week pocket money. I...