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  1. devolved

    Pragmatic Argument for God's existense

    I've been re-formulating the argument for a while, but it goes: 1) There's no viable means around Agrippa's Trilemma as means to justify our justifications apart from three possible scenarios. We either: a) Go into regression of justifying the justifications b) Resort to...
  2. devolved

    Atheism is reasonable, and Christianity is not (Redux)

    I'd like to review this particular thread, but give it a different perspective that NV may not see it from, hence I'd like to start it on this thread so any tangent discussions relevant to TOE and other tangent subjects may remain there. With that in mind, I'd like to begin with a few...
  3. devolved

    Personal relationship with God

    That subject tends to come up a lot when it comes to differentiating between "true belief" vs "mere religion" concepts. But, whenever this subject comes up there seems to be misunderstanding what we generally mean by word personal vs impersonal, and what religion is and how it is defined. For...
  4. devolved

    Why did Jesus Leave?

    I think it's a valid question from a position of any given skeptic. I really don't buy the oversimplified answers like "If he didn't leave then Holy Spirit wouldn't come", Or "He left because the mission to spread the Gospel had to be fulfilled", or to "Prepare a place", again neither make a...
  5. devolved

    Atheism vs Theism confusion

    Ok, I admit that the title is a bit of a "click bate" for both ends, but here it goes. Browsing through some popular threads here, it seems like there's a general confusion as to what Atheism really is, and how that label tends to take on a "form" that shouldn't be ascribed to Atheism. First...
  6. devolved

    Do you believe what you claim to believe?

    I guess the question if two-fold: 1) Religion tends to take a "wholesale" approach to belief. For example, most of Christians don't get to pick and choose what they agree or disagree with. Religious systems tend to resemble political parties. When you are given label X, it means you claim...
  7. devolved

    Good & Evil - Circular Semantics

    Jumping from a different thread on a different Christian forum, there tends to be a halt in discussion when I ask for a clear definition of good and evil that avoids one of the following: 1) Explaining good as synonymous with "everything God says and does", and evil everything Satan says and...