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  1. Fuchsia flowerCrimson

    I think I may have agoraphobia

    Because ... I know I have social anxiety and when I am in crowded places I some times""". Feel like I cannot breathe And other symptoms .... QUESTIOn : Thoes of u who have it severe what are the causes and symptoms of this disorder ; what triggers it ??
  2. Fuchsia flowerCrimson

    MENTAL ILLNESS caused by DeMOnS

    The Bible says when you get married you and your spouse become one flesh I heard on the radio that since you become one flesh that means sharing the same conflicts including demons . I know that we are in Spiritual WareFare and that we need to use our GOD given armour so what are your thoughts...
  3. Fuchsia flowerCrimson

    HOW can WE abide in GOD ???

    How do we as Christians can abide more in Jesus ? Despite adversity that some times tightens our necks but with GOD'S grace does not choke us . Any tips of advice ?? Thx in advance 🌷😀
  4. Fuchsia flowerCrimson


    How awkward do I get if you like me have social phobia ?
  5. Fuchsia flowerCrimson

    Social phobia a teenage nightmare

    . Hello I am 17 n I have social anxiety I have difficulty making eye contact I get all awkward when people pass by me I just wanted to know if there is any one who also has it n there are more to the symptoms that I listed I know my phobia is the ENEMY'S weapon to use against me any comments or...
  6. Fuchsia flowerCrimson

    Social phobia a teenage nightmare

    . Hello I am 17 n I have social anxiety I have difficulty making eye contact I get all awkward when people pass by me I just wanted to know if there is any one who also has it n there are more to the symptoms that I listed I know my phobia is the ENEMY'S weapon to use against me any comments or...
  7. Fuchsia flowerCrimson

    I am excited TO BE reading THE ACTS OF THE OPOSTLES !!!!!!!

    so I just started reading the ACTS of the APOSTLES and it is just what I anticipated ! It is so exciting :-) I believe it was sad what happened to Stephen but I am glad he is with CHRIST ! One question: What can I expect along the way reading this book ? Any surprises ? Thanks in advance...