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  1. S

    Why the Rev was written before 70 AD

    If the Bible was the inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word as the original Autographs were, ie, without one descrepancy including the interpretations, the early forefathers would not have needed the Bibliographical, Internal, and External evidence, ie, internal part cited here, to place the...
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    Why the Rev was written before 70 AD

    I also have an old notation, ie, It is Irenaeus in Heresies III, 4, 4, who states that John lived until the time of Trajan. Eusebius (Church History 5, 8) quotes Irenaeus to the effect that Revelation was seen almost in the memory of men then living, namely "toward the end of the reign of...
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    The Seven Trumpets and The Seven Bowls

    On the positive note, no one really cares (only a few out of 300 million in this nation for sure) - readers that is. On the negative, not chronolgical from the ancient's way of viewing Revelation, ie, in the English structure of thoughts, your correct "chronological." Simply Rev.11:3 begins...
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    The Seven Trumpets and The Seven Bowls

    Rev.15:5, "....Sanctuary (not the inferior "Temple") of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in the heaven...." naos, the Holy and the Holy of Holies, which symbolizes (signified in Rev.1:1) that these last plagues are sent from the very holiness of God. The Tabernacle testified to the holy...
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    The Abomination of Desolation

    We view "born again" differently finding out immediately after passing who was in error, ie, the one entering heaven will have no memory of error, ie, note the "1". Hate those forever surprises, Humbe pie Jack
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    List of 41 man-made traditions of the Popes, and the Church of Rome.

    Some overlook the Gospel in the preamble Deut.6:4, and thus uninentionally weaken the passages. Humble pie Jack
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    Who Controls the Nations of the Earth?

    God even controls the Antichrist this very moment, ie, IIThess.2:11, 12. Humble pie Jack
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    Who Controls the Nations of the Earth?

    Isn't the Trilateral commission a part of the modern Illuminati whch God actually controls? Humble pie Jack
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    Traditions of Justification

    Lutherans foremost, and others for sure have to google up all the ways, documented under googled up gov't. census like I did decades ago, then re-evaluate what are alllll the ways God produces faith, eg, water baptismal rebirth, spiritual baptismal rebirh, and etc, and etc. all under "statements...
  10. S

    Future restoration of the 12 tribes of Israel in the land of Israel

    Wait till you hit 74, ie, have to do more research due to too many senior moments - lol Humble pie Jack btw I do like CP, ie, he does have a heart for our Lord
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    Traditions of Justification

    From Mr. Martin Chemnitz to Mr. Matthias Loy to others in the ELCA camp to 1930 at the latest believed Mr. Chemnitz' interpretation till I came on the scene warning all the Seminaries about 3 decades ago to about 5 years ago then gave them over. Humble pie Jack, Hopefully they are in error...
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    Future restoration of the 12 tribes of Israel in the land of Israel

    Agreeing to disagree, Humble pie Jack btw you and I have somehing in common, ie, most disagree with us
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    Traditions of Justification

    Only for openers, they believe the Bibles are the inspired Word of God, ie, and/or preserved enough to base one's assumption that one is to know when they pass on they will absolutely awake in heaven. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Humble pie Jack
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    Future restoration of the 12 tribes of Israel in the land of Israel

    Interesting to say the least and thank you again, Humble pie Jack
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    The Abomination of Desolation

    Worse to be a Protestant leader and have the Antichrist dwelling within where the Holy Spirit is suppose to be (IIThess.2:4, due to IIThess.2:10b), ie, not as obvious as the RCCs with their cooperation of faith for starters, and let's not forget about the E.-Os., ie they are also pretty biggg...
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    Future restoration of the 12 tribes of Israel in the land of Israel

    I think the big boys concluded the K.J.V. was 97% accurate as a translation where I concluded more like 95% which is close enough for any Textual translation. Using my ASV, AV, RSV (1950 lor so edition), and old AV brings up the percentage to about 98% leading to my end point: Even if we...
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    Future restoration of the 12 tribes of Israel in the land of Israel

    Thought I would expound a little more: More importantly, the link unveils a valid Contextual interpretation of Rom.11:25, 26 Text. I'm a retired teacher and have promulgated for almost three decades that one must interpret the Scriptures going from the ancient languages forward to the...
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    Traditions of Justification

    The ELCA didn't before 1930. Little more insanity you will have to reject however, ie, before 1930 the Doctrine of election: The "elect" ("called") in the "Letters," ("Epistles") including Revelation, and parts of John, eg, Jn.6:70, always denotes the effective call including conversin to...
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    The Abomination of Desolation

    Broadly speaking, have to absolutely agree to agree with you on this post. Humble pie Jack, btw where we have to agree to disagree is the Protestants are in worse shape with their mini-popes, ie, at the highest levels including our most esteemed Protestant Seminaries. (Ie, the one is...
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    Why the Rev was written before 70 AD

    :thumbsup: It is thought that the Temple is still standing (Rev.11:1); it is assumed that Revelation operates with themyth regarding Nero. Instead of having died, he was suppose to have fled to the Parthians so as to at some future time to return to Rome with a mighty host. When time went on...