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  1. Mazock


    Testing Polling
  2. Mazock

    9th of Av

    Hi Guys, I've been studying the Lord's Feasts, and ran across Daniel's Timeline by Dewey Burton. He had an interesting link to a "Mirror" image of the Spring Feasts with the Fall Feasts. It can be found here. It doesn't "mirror" Pentecost (being the odd man out). So I thought, "What if...
  3. Mazock

    Christian 10 Commandments

    From reading the forums, I think we can come to the consensus that the following commandments are generally accepted by the Christian church (the church body as a whole). Let me know if I've missed anything. 1. You shall love God with your heart, soul & mind 2. You shall love your...
  4. Mazock


    There are 1335 days from Friday's "close shave" with the asteroid 2012DA14, and Yom Kippur 2016. Just saying....
  5. Mazock

    119 Ministries Timeline, and current events

    Hi guys, I watched 119 Ministries Timeline, Dewey Burton's "Daniel's Timeline", and Michael Roods timeline. The 119 video, and Dewey Burton agree that things will start happening late this month. I think Michael Rood is off by a year. I believe that in the Shmita timeline presented by...
  6. Mazock

    What's the difference between...

    Being that I'm relatively new to MJ, I was wondering if everyone could help me understand the difference between Messianic Jewish congregations, Hebrew Roots congregations, and Netzarim congregations? I've seen that some people prefer to be called by a specific name over another, but I'm...
  7. Mazock

    Steel sharpening "Christian" steel

    How do you speak to "Christians"? Do you wait for them to bring up the subject of your faith? How do you keep the conversation from turning into a debate?