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  1. G

    Genesis? Rock?

    Heya! I've heard that Joy Williams's new cd "Genesis" is kinda rocky, but am not sure if this is true. My fav style is rock, and I'm not a fan of female vocalists at all - esp when they try to attempt to sing my fav style - but I'm really wanting to hear from a good female rock artist. Is my...
  2. G


    AH!!! I'm probably one of the biggest D: fans around! I love them so much! I FINALLY got to see them March of this year...that was a defining moment in my life and I can die a happy person now =~) Access D: is their best cd, in my opinion.
  3. G

    Rewriten 70's hits

    Do any of you guys know of some 70's hits that have been rewriten to be Christian songs or any that could already be used as a Christian song? I'm directing a youth musical set in the 70's and need some songs quick! Thanks a bunch =~)
  4. G

    Rewriten 70's hits

    Do any of you guys know of some 70's hits that have been rewriten to be Christian songs or any that could already be used as a Christian song? I'm directing a youth musical set in the 70's and need some songs! Thanks a bunch =~)
  5. G

    Hermeneutics Resources

    I've always been intriqued by language, especially the area of hermeneutics. Would someone please provide me a list of resources so I could do research on my own?
  6. G

    anyone do winsor pilates?

    I do them!! They're great!
  7. G

    Only a True Southerner knows-----

    *scratches head* I don't get it ;)
  8. G

    First Kiss

    LOL!!!! Sorry, I'm sure you didn't think it was funny, at least at that time anyways, hehe. He didn't make me feel uncomfortable, it was just, umm, odd.
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    First Kiss

    but what do I say?!
  10. G

    First Kiss

    Today was the day of my first kiss. It was set up real nice, at an ice skating rink. Everything leading up to it was so romantic and sweet! ...until it happened. To put it bluntly, he "frenched" me and I did NOT like it!! He was incredibly excited about it and said how happy he was to share his...
  11. G

    Please pray for me and my boyfriend

    Thank-you, I really appreciate it! =~) *hugs*
  12. G

    What does your User Name mean?

    Random people come up and sing "You are my sunshine" to me. Just kidding. But random people do come up and say things about my smile. I'm sure you can find a way to link that to sunshine. Then I thought I'd just throw genuine in there. lol.
  13. G

    How do you fogive?

    Pray for her. It's amazing what that can do.
  14. G

    About our nation's foundation...

    I'm doing a paper on what public schools say our nation's foundation was. I need direct quotes from school textbooks that say our foundation was not on God. Especially those of legal documents (such as the Mayflower Compact) and William Bradford. Thanks!! P.S. I need this as soon as...
  15. G

    Please pray for me and my boyfriend

    Hey! Can a few of you please be in prayer for me and my boyfriend? I really want us to, at least, be the same level spiritually - he is a relatively new Christian, whereas I grew up in church and have a strong relationship with God. Then I want us to start praying together. I pray for him, and...
  16. G

    Help! (With a school project)

    gee, thanks for all the input.
  17. G

    Artist Ink Slip, Cup of the Son, and Inkblot

    Here are three of my poems, though they are still undergoing change, lol. I might post the rest later. Tell me what you think. I'm open to suggestions for revision. Artist Ink Slip Without rhyme or reason, I rummage for words that flow from pen to empty paper. Without humor or...
  18. G

    What is Love?

    edited to remove email address :)
  19. G

    Help! (With a school project)

    I don't know. He's such an obvious choice.
  20. G

    What is Love?

    Well, when he said "I love you, Aly" my initial response was shock. It was unexpected. We just had a very serious conversation and were talking about how good it felt that we could share pretty much everything with each other. But the first thing I said, after I told him I was speechless, was...