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  1. J

    Prayers for mother who's lost her son

    Please pray for a dear sister who has lost her son due to a drug overdose.She is in so much pain.I believe his memorial service is today and she needs strength and love.He was only in his 20's.She and the family are devastated.Please pray that she will have the strength to grieve him in her own...
  2. J

    Losing hope.

    I just continue to sin so heavily in my life.I am a liar,I haven't been to church in over a month and a half and I am just lost here.I feel I have done so much,too much.Is my heart hardened? I sin and willingly so.I want to change,I truly do (honestly it's hard to even tell other believers I am...
  3. J

    Just keep on Sinning.Losing hope.

    I have been dealing with sin for many years but I gave my heart to Jesus and yet here I sit and I JUST sinned again.I am pregnant (married) but I feel that I will teach my new daughter to sin by my actions.I am having a hard time with things.Will you pray for me? Thank you.
  4. J

    Prayer needed for pregnant mom

    Prayer needed for a 5 month pregnant woman.She is struggling with her faith.Her initials are SV.She is having trouble with her salvation.Please pray the Lord will Lift her spirits and keep her safe.:groupray:
  5. J

    Wilfully Sinning

    I have been a liar as far back as I can remember.I am now 29 years old and still lie on a daily basis.Many people would,if they knew this ridicule me and judge me for it.I have been trying to not lie and pray daily for forgiveness.My faith is relatively new,though I was baptized at a young age I...
  6. J

    Prayer for my Mother

    My mother is having a hard time right now in her life.She just turned 50 years old and she is going through so much.Her faith is slipping and she needs reassurance at this time.Please pray that The Spirit will Go to her and Stay with her.She is saved,she is just having a hard time.Thank you.:hug:
  7. J

    Prayer for baby Vaughan

    I am 17 weeks pregnant with a high risk pregnancy.Things have gone great by The Grace of God.I have recently been saved and still struggling with my faith but hold fast in The Love Of God and Jesus.Please pray this child will make it Be It The Fathers Will and that The Holy Spirit will Be With...
  8. J

    I feel like I am a hypocrite

    About 6 months ago I chose to follow The Lord.I have since then though continued to live a life of sin,though I have in some cases repented of things I was doing wrong.I did quit my job that was my biggest sin but I had/have another affliction on my character that I struggle with daily.I pray...
  9. J

    I am so lost........

    I keep sinning every single day of my life.In the worst of ways.I do not want to confess my sins in this prayer request but will to God.I am scared of dying because I know I am not living right.No matter how much I pray I always go back to my old "life". I quit my job because it was sinful. I am...
  10. J

    Pregnant With depression

    I have been battling depression for over 7 years.I am currently 4 months pregnant and I feel myself beginning to drowning in depression once again.This happened with my last pregnancy 7 years ago and it never got much better.Please pray for The Holy Spirit to Heal me and comfort me during this...
  11. J

    Urgent Prayer request for Salvation.

    Please pray for me.I am under conviction,pregnant and wanting Jesus in my heart and my life.Thank you so much.I love The Lord with all my heart,but I have done so much,and keep doing it.I want Him with me,The Spirit.Please pray that The Holy Spirit will Show me where I need to be.Thank you...
  12. J

    Prayer for new 16 year old mother

    My niece has just had a baby 9 days ago.She just turned 16 as well.Of course not married and her mother is constantly running out of money.My sister smokes illegal things if you catch my drift and I worry about the newborn.Please pray that my niece will be taken care of with that baby :( I worry...
  13. J

    I believe I have committed the unpardonable sin former psychic Urgent

    Needing prayer for myself here.I am struggling with the issue of the unpardonable sin.I have sinned more than anyone I know.I was a psychic for 3 years online.Taking poor souls money,leading them toward the devil.I feel so lost,so lonely.My husband is supportive but I feel there's no hope for...
  14. J

    **Prayer for a Grandmother in Turmoil**

    Please pray for my mother who is in turmoil right now.My niece is 16 years old unmarried and has had a child.My mother is taking this very hard right now and is becoming deeply depressed.Please Pray that God will heal her heart and grant her peace.:groupray:
  15. J

    Pray for a lost sister in Christ........

    There is a woman who is in need of serious deliverance.She is a liar and she is trying to change but this has proven to be difficult for her.She is pregnant and married,and she has a lot on her right now.She feels lost and helpless right now.She was an online psychic for 3 years and this young...