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  1. C

    Dragons in the Bible. Do you believe they are real or a myth?

    A bit late posting this. Was it a flaming comet? I wonder if anyone heard of Immanuel Velikovsky? He authored several books linking originally to the children of Israel and the strange things that befell them in the Exodus (Worlds in Collision). He expanded to explore prehistoric geology and...
  2. C

    Could God always have been God?

    God invented TIME. Everything in the spiritual 'universe' exists outside of time.
  3. C

    Evidence for evolution in quotes

    Some of the problems with dated evidence is that our dating system is suspect. Especially so around the ancient Egyptian sequence. The known world was in turmoil from AD378 through to 540 when major catastrophes struck Europe. Bede and many other historians describe huge movements of population...
  4. C

    Evidence for evolution in quotes

    I think the whole problem of 'Evolution' rests on the pervading Uniformitarian principle that took over the Earth sciences in the late 19th century. Until then it was quite legitimate to discuss catastrophic events in the past. Since the 60s we have to go back 'millions of years' to find...
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    Organizing an underground church in the west

    My father was an Anglican rebel and always believed we have to escape the establishment Church(es) to re-build true Christianity. When the oppression starts and our comfortable freedom to worship shrinks, maybe Graham's words will stand us in good stead? See FrankWords
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    Saw my ninth UFO the other night

    I was only privilege to one sighting, but it was a life changer. Living at the Vicarage in a Wiltshire village I spotted a bright pinpoint of light one June eve in 1965. My 30x telescope revealed a 1000ft long cylindrical craft suspended high in atmosphere. My whole family and some friends were...
  7. C

    The Gap Theory

    Without getting too bogged down in the Calendar systems there is evidence, as theFijian hints, that months were part of the problem. Around 1300BC the Israelites had an almost exact 30 day lunar month (Deut 34:8, 21:13, Num 20:29) and Genesis lists exactly 150 days between 17th day of 2nd month...
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    The Gap Theory

    I agree with progmonk, we cannot take any dating system literallly; the measure of years of life, carbon dating and geological ages. Nothing can be assumed to be a constant. As I mentioned above the human lifespan has not significantly reduced from the days of the patriarchs. Rather the Earth's...
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    The Gap Theory

    On a slight diversion, I know a group investigating the Saturnian Myth. They suggest Saturn formed an original centre to our planetary system, now a brown dwarf - once a red giant 'star'. This utopian origin, within the cosy beneficial atmosphere, allowed for much lower gravity, a beneficial...