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  1. S

    Guillotines in America.

    I think if take a closer look the foolish virgins NEVER get inside, when Jesus comes again the window of opportunity is closed. when the door is shut.... its over.
  2. S

    Has the idea of homeschooling run off the tracks?!?

    I don't really care what parents teach their own kids, they have the right to teach their kids they decended from monkeys, and that homosexuality is a genetic trait that somehow evolution never weeded out, that even though everything we see has a complex design yet it was created out of utter...
  3. S

    Is contemporary christian music "conforming to the world"

    I would say the proof of God being behind it, would be Christian Rock music that is so good even atheist wouldn't care what the lyrics were spewing out, and in the same way Christians line up to watch these secular Rock gods, perform, not caring the least about the lewd and lascivious lyrics are...
  4. S

    Is contemporary christian music "conforming to the world"

    WOW! God has imparted you with great discernment, at a very young age even most Christian adults don't see the long term ramifications of this church conformation to meet the world at a very worldly level, only producing shallow christians who never seem to pursue holyness, but merely like the...
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    Guillotines in America.

    I love my son and would not lift a finger to stop him from being decapitated for standing up for his faith in Jesus, the bible speaks about retaining a better resurrection in doing so (Hebrews 11:35) see a real Christian doesn't fear death, because we are not of this world, I am quite happy here...
  6. S

    Remember the Global Warning Craze?

    No but with greater and better microscopes, even a single cell has turned out to be far more complex than science ever dreamed. with every new advancement, old theories die and new ones replace them. Its consistance is its inconsistancy its always changing always evolving
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    how many times does your hubby go out a week?

    I don't think its a wise thing for any married man to hang out with single guys, its asking for trouble. to bad you don't have another married couple to hang out with as a group, I'm guessing your both quite young and don't have any kids. have one and you'll never leave the house
  8. S

    Poisoned waters

    great post......very rarely do I find anything thats biblically sound and of worth, God has given you a good gift of understanding and wisdom
  9. S

    Is contemporary christian music "conforming to the world"

    I'm actually not against recreating church music to bring it out of the dark ages, I'm just pointing out a trend that seems to be trying to make church, more like a rock concert than what we see written plainly in the bible as to what is suppossed to be happening in a church service. Now if you...
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    Remember the Global Warning Craze?

    well since I know what the bible says, and its neither an ice age or gradual global warming, I could care less what science says, they have such a poor record to begin with, they are constantly changing their minds somtimes in 180 degrees
  11. S


    Yes this reasoning works well with any sin, take abortion, if enough people are killing their babies everyday, once we pass the abominable rate of 80 to 90 percent of all Americans, TA DAAAA! ITS NO LONGER A SIN! what stupid reasoning! I think your statistics are only based on what culture is...
  12. S

    I hope someday I meet a nice Christian girl

    Actually it was the Apostle Paul who said "do not be yoked with unbelievers".....for what do righteousness and wickedness have in common or what fellowship can light have with darkness"........let me give you the best biblical advice you can get, ONLY MARRY SOMEONE WHO LOVES GOD AS MUCH AS YOU...
  13. S


    Not a problem! you want worldly advice not biblical advice....the bible is more than clear, ALL SEX outside of marriage is a sin. period!
  14. S


    Not without repentance!,Try actually reading what I write, instead of merely thinking what I might of said, your a bit defensive, in no way shape or form have I insinuated that your a gay monk practicing black magic etc.... etc....but the fact of the matter without repentance there can be no...
  15. S


    Mathew 5:36-37 "Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. "But let your yes be yes and your no be no; anything beyond this comes from the evil one"...................honestly the term Christian is so broad and wide these days a homosexual buddist monk...
  16. S

    I hope someday I meet a nice Christian girl

    waited till I was 39 and God brought me the most awesome wife you could imagine, who also gave me the best little son a dad would ever want. Don't stop asking God to bring you a good Christian wife, I refer to the passage of the woman hounding the judge to give her justice, finally he (the...
  17. S

    I stole money. Need Guidance

    you need to get help before you repeat this mistake, once your in the clear and your secrets is safe, you will do it again I guarantee it....
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    I hate living as a Christian..

    I like the little slogan in the circle next to your name
  19. S


    OH NO! Sir you are blind guide, and the truth is not in you, you can report that too! ha ha ha I'm not the least bit worried about any judgement received here, but you should be very worried about the judgement that your headed for. your an unbiblical Christian, you follow your own wisdom and...
  20. S

    I hate living as a Christian..

    Actually again you quote scripture out of context, but I will take Mathew 7:6 and realize my mistake. As for making judgements if you believe Jesus meant we are not to judge anyone who says they are of the Christian faith, your in error, we most certainly are to make judgements, (see 1...