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  1. N

    Do you vote in presidential elections

  2. N

    What NOT to say to people who are crhonically ill / disabled

    What I hate is when someone knows what your illness is then tries to compare it to a less serious condition, which makes it sound it's not a big deal, and act like its the same b/c it involves the same area of your body.
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    Ulcerative Colitis - anyone else?

    Hi!!!! I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis about 15 years ago. 9 years ago I had to have my colon removed and now have a jpouch. I'm having trouble in my small intestine now so I'm going through some testing to see if I have crohns now. I definately understand what you are going through.
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    Want to share with everyone what happened this week

    That is wonderful:) what a blessing!!!!!
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    Tired of Tebow!

    This makes me like him moRe than I already did:thumbsup:
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    We are under a Tornado Watch here in the Ohio River Valley

    I'm in this area too! Prayers we will all be safe.
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    Is bullying an acceptable explanation for homicide?

    Of course not. I'm sure bullying contributes to violence though.
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    It's been a while

    Hi, I'm fairly new so I'm sure you don't know me, but welcome back:)
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    Iran to kill a brother in Christ

    I've been following this too.:prayer:
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    Why Are You Here?

    I really meant the whole forum.
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    Why Are You Here?

    I don't know, when I joined this is not what I was expecting. I really thought it would be fellowship with other Christians, I expected discussions and friendly debate. I've been very hesitant to post b/c I don't want attacked. I don't have a problem if people disagree with me, but I don't...
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    Ugh, Valentine's day and my Husband.

    I'm sorry, he could at least get a card. How hard is it to write I Love You inside a card if he doesn't want to write something himself.
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    Pre-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    For the most part, I thought they were great. I will be honest and say I've studied the end times a lot and it confused me. I understand enough that I do believe in the pretribulation rapture. I thought maybe these books would sort of lay it all out and when I finish (I just did last night) I...
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    Pre-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    Has anyone read the left behind series? I just finished the last book and was curious what people who believe in the pretrib rapture (like I do) think of these books.
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    15 things to consider about abortion...

    Great post:)
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    sometimes i wish i wasnt raised in church

    I've felt this way before. I try to remind myself that if I hadn't been raised in church who knows where I would be today, I could be very lost and leading my children on the same path. I sometimes feel like I don't have that "on fire for Jesus" feeling because it's been my life forever, I was...
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    Abortion: What's right & wrong?

    I dont really use the term "fetus", God never said "fetus", man did. I believe it is a baby ( beginning "life") is created by the Father upon conception and should be protected as a child of God.
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    ? About post trib

    My understanding has always been that no one, including Jesus, will know the day or hour Jesus returns. If there are Christians during the tribulation won't they know when Jesus will return? We know that the tribulation starts with the antichrist signing a peace treaty with Israel and ends...