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  1. Thunderchild

    Is all the Bible scripture?

  2. Thunderchild


    Hmmmm.... the things we choose to make an issue of divisiveness.
  3. Thunderchild


    I have been trying to track down the origins of public nudity being considered less than acceptable without any success (though I suspect that it began with imperial or late republican Rome.) *The Bible records David publicly dancing naked before the Lord. *The original apostles were in the...
  4. Thunderchild

    Christians and Christmas

    Found it: Christmas has been celebrated by the various churches for as long as there have been churches. Until AD 300 or thenabouts, Christmas was a movable feast - that is, it was not celebrated on a specified date but bounced around the calendar a bit (that fits with the search for a proper...
  5. Thunderchild

    Christians and Christmas

    Ummm.... Santa Claus (Saint Klaus, by way of interpretation) is not part of the Christian celebration of Christmas. Though most Christians are not averse to the image, that is a specifically Americanisation dating no earlier than the beginning of the 19th Century (I cannot for the life of me...
  6. Thunderchild

    The trinity - could somebody explain this to me?

    Isaiah has declared: "For unto us a child is born and his name shall (have been/be [either is a valid interpretation of the Hebrew]) called "Eternal Father, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Wonderful Counsellor." - While the Bible does refer to the Eternal Father, it does so only in relation to that...
  7. Thunderchild

    Is Messianic Judaism the real unabridged form of Christianity?

    Citing from the text of "What is Orthodoxy" [/font] I rest my case.
  8. Thunderchild

    Please help me help my friend. Nobody is guaranteed a place in Heaven, correct?

    The only way to deal with the concept of OSAS effectively is to take each "proof" offered and deal with it: however tedious, it is necessary. If you provide the passages your friend is using, I will provide the counters - most often the very passages cited in support contain the evidence that...
  9. Thunderchild

    Is Messianic Judaism the real unabridged form of Christianity?

    Wow. Did you take analytical English in college? Great interpretation. But still, why would you want to be free of such a beautiful law that was perfected and fulfilled, not abolished, by our Messiah? When one finishes paying of a mortgage on a house, the loan requirements have been fulfilled...
  10. Thunderchild

    Is Messianic Judaism the real unabridged form of Christianity?

    Is Messianic Judaism the real unabridged form of Christianity? No such person or group exists - everyone places his own spin on the teachings - even the original apostles did so. Was Catholocism just an attempt to seperate us from the Jews? That separation took place long before Catholicism as...
  11. Thunderchild

    What should I do??

    Basically correct - but the repeatedly needs to be deleted. "Intentionally living in sin" needs to be defined - if, to you, it means that the person is aware of having sinned and does not repent of it, your concept here is accurate. Then too, repentance needs to be given its proper definition -...
  12. Thunderchild

    Speaking in Tounges

    The ability to communicate in a language unknown to the speaker (whether a language of humans or of angels) is cited in the Bible as one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Bible also declares that it is possible to counterfeit the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Bible further declares the...
  13. Thunderchild

    Third and Second Heaven

    Near as I can ascertain, 1st heaven is the sky (ie - the limit of Earth's atmosphere), 2nd is above the sky (space), and third is the one normally referred to as heaven
  14. Thunderchild

    Sex Before Marriage

    Aye... tis a marriage, for all that it was informally entered into - and ending it would be a divorce. Well cited, CSMR.
  15. Thunderchild

    The trinity - could somebody explain this to me?

    The question is simple enough to answer. God is tri-une: in the same way, a person is also tri-une, being comprised of body, soul, and spirit. Freud did away with "seats" of these aspects, labelling them id, ego, and super-ego. Even so, the basic three divides remain.
  16. Thunderchild

    chosing a denomination

    Quite frequently a member of a church will have difficulties with some of the precepts of his church. That he is a member reflects not so much his belief in the doctrines of the church, but his comfort with things "on the whole."
  17. Thunderchild

    The Absurdity of Losing Salvation

    When you buy a ticket to (say) a movie, or to take a journey on a plane - you are pre-destined to see that movie, or pre-destined to be in the place at journey's end. Of course, if you don't turn up to the movie or you disembark the plane en-route, that pre-destination comes to nothing...
  18. Thunderchild

    The Absurdity of Losing Salvation

    Of course these are not true believers - they only escape from the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord. How could anyone possibly think that such an escape is only available to the true believer?
  19. Thunderchild

    What kind of Christian am I? Need some resources...

    Just one of many sources regarding Easter.This one being official Church of Rome... The Roman missionaries coming to England in the time of St. Gregory the Great found the British , the representatives of that Christianity which had been...